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Geck makes weapons unstable


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So I've been modifying weapons in GECK, mostly just Name changes to their real life counterpart. The silenced .22 pistol and lever-action shotguns are crashing my game. Whenever I open my pip-boy menu and just roll my cursor over the item, it just crashes to desktop.


It is only on weapons from the original game I've noticed, but even then some Vanilla weapons are fine having their names changed. I changed the trail carbine's name to Marlin 336 and works fine and dandy when i put my mouse over it and use it, but certain weapons just don't accept it and gives the game diarrhea.

Edited by Gallade47
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Are you by chance running a mod that adds weapon mods to weapons? Specifically, it's a known issue that if you have a modded weapon, and then remove the plugin that adds the mods to the weapon, mousing over that weapon in the inventory will cause a CTD.


If you're interested in a fully compatible mod that renames weapons, check out my Realistic Weapon Names mod. It uses scripts (NVSE required) to rename weapons in game, so fully compatible and I've got everything pretty much as real as can be.

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