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Which is your favourite house ?


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I used the shack outside the IC the most...until I was introduced to the handy-dandy portable storage warehouse called Bobo's Summoned Chest


Can you tell I'm not that interested in houses? ;)


But when it came to displaying my trophies, I sure did like Armory Lab. :D



Unlike you, I'm obsessed with houses. Pick a favorite? Impossible. I modded all the vanilla houses before moving into any of them. I haven't found my perfect home yet though.


It's the same in Morrowind. I'm still buying and collecting houses but haven't found my home.


I have stayed in some great places though, in both locations.



I think my character's some kind of jet setter, she's wealthy enough and just keeps traveling around Tamriel.


In Morrowind, my character isn't very wealthy but she has stayed in some nice places.


The best place she has there, so far, is a Telvanni tower out in the grazelands.

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Benirus Manor, but I can't get Velwyn Benirus to return to the manor to remove the curse. :confused:


Usually I'm always on the move, but like to leave most of my treasure at Rosethorn Hall in Skingrad, which also has a servant!

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Benirus Manor, but I can't get Velwyn Benirus to return to the manor to remove the curse. :confused:


Usually I'm always on the move, but like to leave most of my treasure at Rosethorn Hall in Skingrad, which also has a servant!



Read THIS carefully.

(Detailed Walkthrough of the Quest: Where Spirits Have Lease)

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Vanilla: Bruma house, I just really like it! I decorated it and now it looks amazing.


Modded: My MODDED Bruma house. Now it has a basement, more storage, a training area and and a custom-texture crows nest on the top.


My favorite is also the Bruma house but where the hedoubletoothpick do you get firewood for the fireplace??????

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Benirus Manor, but I can't get Velwyn Benirus to return to the manor to remove the curse. :confused:


Usually I'm always on the move, but like to leave most of my treasure at Rosethorn Hall in Skingrad, which also has a servant!



Read THIS carefully.

(Detailed Walkthrough of the Quest: Where Spirits Have Lease)


Thanks, i've used that a few times to help me out.


But it says Velwyn's disposition has to be raised to 60, i believe i've done that as it says his disposition has been raised to the fullest, but he just says he won't help.

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Benirus Manor, but I can't get Velwyn Benirus to return to the manor to remove the curse. :confused:


Usually I'm always on the move, but like to leave most of my treasure at Rosethorn Hall in Skingrad, which also has a servant!



Read THIS carefully.

(Detailed Walkthrough of the Quest: Where Spirits Have Lease)


Thanks, i've used that a few times to help me out.


But it says Velwyn's disposition has to be raised to 60, i believe i've done that as it says his disposition has been raised to the fullest, but he just says he won't help.



What is his disposition number exactly? Do you know how to check? And your character has the diary note in inventory?


Could you have attacked him or his faction? Do you have outstanding warrants or fines? And finally there is always the possibility of some mod causing a crazy conflict. You may have to post your load order if none of these others apply.

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Never really cared for any Vanilla houses....just doesn't seen right for a wood elf to live in town.

Have "Slate Lodge" as a home when near the IC, but when out and about, use "Sark Amens Portable Home" which I modified greatly with the construction set....made into a T shape...sleeping area with a double bed, benches to sit on in front of a fireplace, dining area, and chests in the hall for storage. Just large enough to be a cozy home.

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