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Which is your favourite house ?


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Batthlehorn Castle, it is a wonderful home :) I have my own sparring trainer, my own army and a cook a chef and alot more :) It realy is a reward to come home to from a long journey through Cyrodiil.
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Vanilla: Bruma house, I just really like it! I decorated it and now it looks amazing.


Modded: My MODDED Bruma house. Now it has a basement, more storage, a training area and and a custom-texture crows nest on the top.

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Of the vanillas, I'd say I like Bruma the best. It's cozy and simple, close to the gate and has decent storage. Skingrad's got better storage and such (and a maid, of course), but it just doesn't appeal to me as much. I really dislike Benirus manor in Anvil, which is a shame since Anvil's one of my favorite towns. It's just that moving around in that house is like running a rat maze and I loathe that table in the middle of the entry hall. Who puts a table right in front of the front door? Cheydinhal's the nicest looking town and the one I most wanted a house in, but I find the house sort of disappointing. Bravil would be better if it was closer to a gate, but it does have the advantage of being next door to Daenlin-- arguably the second-best merchant in the game. Leyawiin's a dump, and I have a hard time finding the house, though it does have decent storage for its size. I can't even remember what the house in Chorrol looks like.... Is it the one with a split staircase and two different bedrooms? Mmm.... yeah, it is, 'cuz I stuck Chanel's painting in one of them.


I haven't found a mod house I like yet, though there are far more I haven't tried than that I have......

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Favorite vanilla, Anvil house, which is my favorite town. I own a butt load of houses now and live in each depending on what I'm doing. Didn't think I'd like Rosethorn, but I do.


Modded, House Cerane. Just got it and so many decorating possibilities. Plus an indoor pool is really nice! I also like the Chorrol house too, but spend very little time there. Now that I have two companions, it might get more play with the servant's quarters being available. I've put a lot into decorating them all, so each has its own charm and appeal. But definitely Anvil I always go back to in the end. My baby leopard likes it there with the garden I'm building in the lot next to it :smile:

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Favorite vanilla, Anvil house, which is my favorite town. I own a butt load of houses now and live in each depending on what I'm doing. Didn't think I'd like Rosethorn, but I do.


Modded, House Cerane. Just got it and so many decorating possibilities. Plus an indoor pool is really nice! I also like the Chorrol house too, but spend very little time there. Now that I have two companions, it might get more play with the servant's quarters being available. I've put a lot into decorating them all, so each has its own charm and appeal. But definitely Anvil I always go back to in the end. My baby leopard likes it there with the garden I'm building in the lot next to it :smile:

anvil is my fav vanilla also :biggrin:

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Well...here is my top :D


1.Anvil house - big cheap and in a beautiful town...i also like the sinister anti chamber :D


2. Skingraad manor - Big, i have a maid...and it looks cool




4.Choroll. looks alright....


5.Leyawinn - Good for a 5-th place thinking that i truly hate the Imperial City and Bravil


Bruma house for sure ;)


Small, cozy and I love the architecture. It would be awesome if it had a a garden, display cases and a basement. In fact I'm gonna do that now! I'm gonna change the furniture around, make a garden too my liking :D

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I used the shack outside the IC the most...until I was introduced to the handy-dandy portable storage warehouse called Bobo's Summoned Chest


Can you tell I'm not that interested in houses? ;)


But when it came to displaying my trophies, I sure did like Armory Lab. :D

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