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Need mod Help with water textures


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You've already found the textures - that's all the water is. It's coloured by in-game reactions to light / reflections from the sky and the underwater colour is manually set within the weather section of Creation Kit.


You can add more types of water - check the following mod for a good example of this...http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/3068/?

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I know i get the weather effects it but it makes having lava and swampland etc impossible without the weather being strange


I actually managed to get good looking lava effect untill night time

spent weeks trying to get it right


so if i want lava then i can have no day night cycle !


Oblivion allowed you to use a texture for this as i remember lava retexes being released for it

just go on oblivion nexus and search lava there is loads of them !


was this just removed from the creation kit for Skyrim ??


or was the deadlands in Oblivion using water pieces for the lava ?

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