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Skyrim freezes at title screen.


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Hi, I've been played Skyrim since sometime, and while I was playing the Alduin's Bane quest, the glitch in which Alduin doesn't take any damage, took place. I tried somethings, including, as I saw from the description given in the page for the quest in the Skyrim wiki, clearing the system cache. However, when I cleared the system cache, the game stopped working altogether, with it freezing at the title screen when I press Start button, and showing the "Loading add-ons, please wait" window. However, when I tried to press quickly the A button for the Continue option, it also showed "This save game was created on a later version of Skyrim. Please download any updates.", while I had just installed the new add-ons few days earlier and had it updated.


Please help.

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It sounds like you pressed the button to delete local content rather than the one to verify game cache, and now the game is reinstalling, but has not done so completely

If this is the case, you probably will need to start make sure all files have downloaded from steam, verify the game files, and then start over with a new game.

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