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Open Shout


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So I was replaying Skyrim and during the quest The Way of the Voice, one of the Greybears use a shout "Bex" to open a door. I went looking, and tried to make my own version but I'm really terrible with the CK. Could anyone make a 3 word shout that unlocks stuff?

I figured it could work like this:

1 Word - Bex - Unlocks novice and apprentice locks. 30 second cooldown.

2 Words - Bex Klo - Unlocks novice, apprentice, adept and expert locks. 45 second cooldown.

3 Words - Bex Klo Zah - Unlocks any type of locks. 60 second cooldown.


(Bex is the word the Greybeards use, as far as I'm aware it isn't used by any other shout.)

(Klo is the second word of the Slow Time shout)

(Zah is the second word of the Drangonrend shout)


Of course the numbers and stuff could be your to decide if you do take up making this.

Thanks for reading, and if anyone considers making this, thanks a bunch.





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Cool idea! I don't have the skills to create the mod, but it would be interesting to see it end up in-game.


One potential problem though, would be that, since Bex is normally unavailable to the player, there may not be voice files for it, beyond the file specifically for Borri (I'm not entirely sure of this, as I haven't looked, just a potential issue to be aware of).

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Cool idea! I don't have the skills to create the mod, but it would be interesting to see it end up in-game.


One potential problem though, would be that, since Bex is normally unavailable to the player, there may not be voice files for it, beyond the file specifically for Borri (I'm not entirely sure of this, as I haven't looked, just a potential issue to be aware of).

As much as my limited CK skills let me see, there is indeed no Bex sound for player, only for the Greybeard. But as I saw some mods had custom voices, it's most likely possible to use the Bex used by Borri for this shout.

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Well, the voice sounds a lot like the Whirlwind Sprint shout. But yeah, and it's not really a problem if Bex is replaced by any other words, it would just be cool for it to follow the word convention that's already set.

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Makes a lot of sense. I don't like the distraction of Ken Mod pro, but a shout would be nice. However the voice acting may be annoying towards some people.

Could make two versions? One with the shouts and the other silent.

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