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Cant find Male Headmesh?


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Hey guys, so I went to go and create another follower to compliment the companion I just finished making for myself. The one I already made was female; I wanted this one to be male. However, during the process of creating him I noticed some rather odd stuff. I couldnt find several of the meshes I needed; namely the male head mesh. Thats kind of a problem, haha :blink: . If anyone knows of anything I might be doing wrong, PLEASE let me know; reply here, pm me, whatever you prefer. Thanks much! :blush:

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I was working on a Nord character. I cant find any .nif files for any male head. Am I looking for the wrong thing? I have most of the tri files I need (I cant find all of those either, but that's less of a problem as far as I'm concerned.)

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