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Script for changing Eye Texture?

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Hey All, scripting novice here. Most of what I've been starting to learn is from opening and looking at other scripts.

Anyhow, I'm attempting to place a script on an activator that changes both faction and Eye Texture. I got the faction part figured out, but the Eye Texture change is eluding me. Again, I know very little formally about script writing. I have seen the tutorial on changing an actor's eye texture (here), and understand it mostly, but I don't know how to apply the effect to the Player, nor do I know any pre or post scripting that has to happen aside from assigning the property and function lines. Thanks again!

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If you want this to be permanent or persistent until something else happens in your mod, then you need to create a 'New Race' which will have your eyes color setted up, and then change the race of the actor.

This function works only for that time that you will use it, after you save and reload for example the eyes will return to its original state, and to make this function to be persistent requires an excessive scripting for something so simple.

As stated in "creationkit.com".

Forces a new eye texture on the actor. This will only last until the actor reloads their 3D.

Have a happy modding.

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I did see that and wonder exactly what it meant. Thank you for clarifying!

Incidentally, I did already create a race before I had decided to attempt this scripting feat. How would I change the player's race through script (if there's a link, that's fine too!) Is what you propose as complicated as essentially making a new vampire-like race that one turns into or is it simpler than that?

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It's like you said it: "making a new vampire-like race that one turns into".

You will need to add to the game all the necessary assets for that race, and then use a script like the 'Vampire Change' script to do your stuff.

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A lightweight scripted alternative is to create a "Spell Ability" which will carry your script and you can add it to the player when your activator is triggered, since the 'Ability' executes everytime you load or enter a cell it will change the eye's textures even if those had returned to its original state.

* This is just a thought and it needs some testing to check that it doesn't need more scripting.

Add the script to the ability spell's 'Magic Effect'.

Script example:

TextureSet Property EyesTEX Auto

Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)

Have a happy modding.

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  • 3 years later...

yeah it can be done


Somewhere in these forum is author of that mod and the guy actually wrote the Eye Mesh swapping Code talking about it, so I would say it is in the public domain. 

For the meshes: https://wiki.nexusmods.com/index.php/Add_glow_to_the_Eyes

search for it, it is circa 2015 or 2016, once you find it, come back here and tell us who wrote the code))



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