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Ageing and Growing Hair and Beards


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I'm really into immersion, and after a while playing with Pumping Iron I thought it would be really cool if you aged and if your hair/beard grew. I'm thinking that you could age a little every time you sleep, just like Pumping Iron. Your complexion could change every few weeks or so.


In terms of hair, if every few days or so your hair would grow, so for example you could start the game bald and beardless, and end the game with the longest hair and beard. I would also be cool if you could you some sort of band or something to change the style of the hair ; you could forge them and they could last for about 3 uses. And of coarse you could make a scissors, which can be used about 4 times, to shorten it.


Please, if your reading this and your able to do it, give it a go. I'd really appreciate it ;]

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