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creation kit error : file "...." is a master file or is in use


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Every time i go to save over a starting .esp that i want to add to i get the following error/message.


File "blablabla" is a master file or is in use.



making it impossible for me to make a mod.. :(


help would be greatly appreciated.

just message your opinion on what the issue is.




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Make sure you don't have any other instances of the CK with that plugin loaded running.

Make sure that the game is not currently running.


Then when you load the plugin in the CK is it listed as a plugin file or as a master file? If it is listed as a master file but with the extension of ESP, you may need to use Wrye Bash and toggle the master status off.


Otherwise, when you load the plugin ensure that you set that plugin as the active plugin. If you don't set it as the active plugin, then the CK will insist that you save to a new esp file. You can only save over the esp of the current active plugin.

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  • 3 years later...
  • 6 months later...

Same problem. This s*** is so unnecessarily confusing. Just SAVE over it. Stupid f***ing creation kit.

You said it, rotating objects is tedium as well. If anyone wants to make a mod, they should start with CK, I actually said to myself, "Could you possibly make it any harder to make a simple map?". I hate this editor, the designer was on crack.

Edited by Balsarius
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