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Ok so the player has practiced shooting with a spring-loaded, lever-action(?), BB Rifle for 9 years. Can we, safely, assume that the player has learned to repair his weapon?

For the sake of the game, no matter what Special the player chooses and no matter what weapons the player uses, if any, the player's Small Guns and Repair Skills should be maxed out.

My main problem with the people of the Waseland is that there is no one teaching anyone about firearms. No one. There isn't any trust nor loyalty in the raiders. You never see them practicing, so what?are they all born with perfect aim?with full maxed perception?the raiders in Vanilla aren't selfish enough. You kill one, the response should be "more for me!". The mods FWE and FOOK do not make things "realistic". I thought that raiders were supposed to be about sadism and selfishness. You shoot one and "they all come running"? knowing exactly where the player is, stealth or not. BS.

IF the player's father was an MD, then why does the overseer say "We need a doctor, not a dentist." in one of the white-out time transitions?

Except that the player's father isn't an MD, he's an experimental civil engineer. What he ends up doing proves this theory.

The player's Medicine skill would probably be First Aid or like level 25.

How many people are supposed to be in vault 101?

Aren't the vault security people supposed to be elite? The security that the player confronts seem untrained or "Keystone Cops."

The overseer doesn't trust anyone, not even his daughter. Amata has learned from her father that might makes right.

This is set in "the future", how is it that they don't know that torture doesn't work?

The player's father isn't as smart as Bethesda makes him out to be. He makes no contingency plans. Does not plan for his childs future, just makes an assumption.

Not everyone "forgot" how the player and his/her father came to be in the vault.

From the player's conversation with James just before taking the GOAT, which is a real test in real life, the player learns that what the overseer says is pure crap.

"You are born in the vault, you will die in the vault."

James, Catherine, and the player are from Rivet City....or are they from The Commonwealth?

There are problems: where did James and Catherine "go to school"?

In real life can just anyone just choose to become an experimental civil engineer without any specialized schooling?

Is it possible that they were taught by Pinkerton?

Vault 101 is too small. The atrium cannot be used for sports events, there is no space.

Vault-Tek supposedly planned for Vault 101 to be sealed forever. Why does it still have a funtioning entrance door?

How are the radroaches getting in? Why are they aggressive? RL roaches run at any movement or light.

Recently read that the food in FO3 is presented incorrectly. It wouldn't be radioactive, as that's not possible, it would be irradiated. So it would be possible to be eating 200 year old food as irradiation would make it impossible to rot.

The "rad" animals should be rad-resistant if not rad-immune making their flesh rad-free.

There have been many discussions on here about radiation, so I won't go there beyond where I've already gone.

Why aren't women protected in the Wasteland?If you don't keep them safe, then you lose you source of population growth.

Raiders "sadism" doesn't work. Shouldn't the women be held in the raider base camps and not "on patrol"?

Same for the men, actually. Raider-type activity is too risky.

220 years after the war...the Wasteland, including DC, would be picked clean of everything. No ruins would still exist in original form.

If the player has to pick a lock to get into a room, that room should be prewar pristine. imo.

The BOS scribes should be collecting blank paper and writing instruments. Even at the FO3 level of tech, it's not paperless. If it was there would be no books, paper, paper trash, pencils, chalk boards, etc.

There would only be holotapes and holotape players. What the heck is with the microfische readers in the library? H O L O T A P E S!

Speaking of holotapes, why are they audio only? What does "holo" mean in FO3?

The computer consoles seem to be network consoles with just keyboard input. Output is text only.

Last thing: Once the player stops the president from his ambivalent plan shouldn't the following happen: no eyebots, no enclave soldiers, no vertibirds, no enclave radio signal. Ok, there might be still enclave soldiers in the field when you talk Eden out of his plan, and maybe some vertibirds, but maybe you get my point?

Why are the outcasts stealing or buying tech?, they don't seem to be doing anything with it.

When they buy weapons and armor that's better than what they have, they then do the Morrowind vendor thing.


Yes, I do know that it is just a game, but my personal disbelief is not suspended while playing it.

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I guess my question is why would you come to a forum that caters to fans of Fallout 3 just to rant about how much you dislike the game? Since you dislike the game so much, just uninstall it and give the disc a good toss. As is said here on the nexus, don't like, don't use it and pass on in silence.

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Ok so the player has practiced shooting with a spring-loaded, lever-action(?), BB Rifle for 9 years. Can we, safely, assume that the player has learned to repair his weapon?

For the sake of the game, no matter what Special the player chooses and no matter what weapons the player uses, if any, the player's Small Guns and Repair Skills should be maxed out.




You don't really know how much the Lone Wanderer uses the BB gun. That's part of the character building process. If you choose to believe that s/he used it every day, you tag the small guns skill. If you prefer to believe s/he was more into learning about science and medicine, you tag those skills instead.



My main problem with the people of the Waseland is that there is no one teaching anyone about firearms. No one. There isn't any trust nor loyalty in the raiders. You never see them practicing, so what?are they all born with perfect aim?with full maxed perception?the raiders in Vanilla aren't selfish enough. You kill one, the response should be "more for me!". The mods FWE and FOOK do not make things "realistic". I thought that raiders were supposed to be about sadism and selfishness. You shoot one and "they all come running"? knowing exactly where the player is, stealth or not. BS.




I'd assume that the knowledge of firearms is passed down father to son at a young age as part of their upbringing.


As for the raiders, they were just "zombies with guns", with no society, no depth, pretty boring if you ask me. It makes sense for them to attack you in self-defence if they come under fire, but it would be more realistic if there were raider towns, and raiders ambushed caravans and settlements to supplement whatever they could produce themselves, instead of just chilling in an abandoned church for the Lone Wanderer to pass by. The fact that there seem to be ten raiders for every wastelander is a bit silly, as is the fact that a lone raider armed with a pool cue will still charge someone in Enclave power armour, wielding a minigun, and accompanied by an eight foot tall Super Mutant.




IF the player's father was an MD, then why does the overseer say "We need a doctor, not a dentist." in one of the white-out time transitions?

Except that the player's father isn't an MD, he's an experimental civil engineer. What he ends up doing proves this theory.

The player's Medicine skill would probably be First Aid or like level 25.


It's possible the overseer got it wrong, or James lied.


I think education is pretty scarce in the wasteland. There's hardly a "University of Point Lookout" people could attend for an official qualification. People just call themselves whatever they want, or whatever they happen to be doing at the time. Wherever James initially came from, he's probably just picked up some knowledge along the way. Enough to set a wastelander's broken bones properly, or dress a gunshot wound, as well as the best kinds of filters to remove radioactivity.



How many people are supposed to be in vault 101?


A couple of thousand, supposedly. Clearly the game couldn't handle a vault of that size, so there's suspension of disbelief, and walled-off areas.


Aren't the vault security people supposed to be elite? The security that the player confronts seem untrained or "Keystone Cops."



The vault has been sealed for almost 200 years, and the biggest threat has probably been a few radroaches or a greaser teenager trying to start trouble. Vault security are clearly inexperienced, even if the rumour has been spread that they're "elite" to stop people causing trouble.



The overseer doesn't trust anyone, not even his daughter. Amata has learned from her father that might makes right.


She clearly doesn't take after her father. It's not as though he's the only influence in her life.


This is set in "the future", how is it that they don't know that torture doesn't work?


Just because it's the future doesn't mean that there aren't stupid and sadistic people around. Someone from the 1950s could just as easily say something about a work of fiction set in 2013 where suspects are waterboarded.



The player's father isn't as smart as Bethesda makes him out to be. He makes no contingency plans. Does not plan for his childs future, just makes an assumption.


Yeah, that was pretty stupid. James is clearly a very intelligent man, and a committed idealist, but he isn't immune to some crazy decisions. Leaving you to god-knows-what in the vault, wandering into a building infested with super mutants, getting trapped in Vault 87, and eventually killing himself for no reason whatsoever.


Not everyone "forgot" how the player and his/her father came to be in the vault.

From the player's conversation with James just before taking the GOAT, which is a real test in real life, the player learns that what the overseer says is pure crap.

"You are born in the vault, you will die in the vault."


Well clearly James didn't forget. I always chose to believe that the Vault is a big place, and the Overseet just pretended James had been there all along, and anyone who didn't remember him just hadn't come across him before he was promoted to head doctor.


James, Catherine, and the player are from Rivet City....or are they from The Commonwealth?

There are problems: where did James and Catherine "go to school"?

In real life can just anyone just choose to become an experimental civil engineer without any specialized schooling?

Is it possible that they were taught by Pinkerton?


They passed through Rivet City. They could have received their education anywhere. Pinkerton, as you say. The Commonwealth, the Brotherhood, even the NCR or the Enclave. James certainly seemed to know who the Enclave were when they showed up, and even recognised Colonel Autumn's rank. It's not made clear, but there are plenty of plausible options. And as I said, it's the Wasteland, I don't think you need a license issued by the US government to tinker with water purifiers, or even to go around treating infections and stab wounds.



Vault 101 is too small. The atrium cannot be used for sports events, there is no space.


Yeah, that's a bit of an oversight. You could probably play five-a-side in the hall below the overseer's window, but that's about it.


Vault-Tek supposedly planned for Vault 101 to be sealed forever. Why does it still have a funtioning entrance door?


Contingency? Or maybe they never got around to sealing it because of the war. Or maybe they wanted access at some point in the future to check the results of the experiment (say if everyone died). Or even if they decided to change the experiment objectives.


How are the radroaches getting in? Why are they aggressive? RL roaches run at any movement or light.


The concrete in Vault 101 is 200 years old, it could well be cracking significantly in places, especially the lower levels. And RL roaches aren't 2 feet long. These ones most likely see humans as prey.



Recently read that the food in FO3 is presented incorrectly. It wouldn't be radioactive, as that's not possible, it would be irradiated. So it would be possible to be eating 200 year old food as irradiation would make it impossible to rot.


As someone who worked with radiation in a power plant, both are possible. The radiation could well have sterilised the food, killing all the microbes and preserving it. The food could also have been contaminated by radioisotopes entering it if it wasn't sealed properly, or parts of the food itself could have been made radioactive through neutron bombardment. Still, the most likely situation is that the food was either incinerated in a nuclear explosion, or it wasn't completely sterilised by radiation, and would long since have gone rotten.


The "rad" animals should be rad-resistant if not rad-immune making their flesh rad-free.

There have been many discussions on here about radiation, so I won't go there beyond where I've already gone.


On the contrary, if the animals are rad resistant or immune, it wouldn't harm them to have radioactive material in their flesh. They'd constantly be ingesting it, processing it, and excreting it without any ill effects, so there would generally be some in their system.

Why aren't women protected in the Wasteland?If you don't keep them safe, then you lose you source of population growth.

Raiders "sadism" doesn't work. Shouldn't the women be held in the raider base camps and not "on patrol"?

Same for the men, actually. Raider-type activity is too risky.


When resources are scarce, societies don't have the luxury of keeping half their members "safe" in a protected location, essentially contributing nothing except child-rearing. The women had to get out and help protect and supply their communities, or they would die. Similar to pre-industrial societies in RL, the women get out and work the fields or forage, because they have to.

220 years after the war...the Wasteland, including DC, would be picked clean of everything. No ruins would still exist in original form.

If the player has to pick a lock to get into a room, that room should be prewar pristine. imo.


That's fair enough, but it would make for a less interesting game (The point has been made a thousand times that FO3 works a lot better if it's set 20 years after the war than 200)



The BOS scribes should be collecting blank paper and writing instruments. Even at the FO3 level of tech, it's not paperless. If it was there would be no books, paper, paper trash, pencils, chalk boards, etc.

There would only be holotapes and holotape players. What the heck is with the microfische readers in the library? H O L O T A P E S!

Speaking of holotapes, why are they audio only? What does "holo" mean in FO3?

The computer consoles seem to be network consoles with just keyboard input. Output is text only.


Maybe they already have enough for now? A shortage of paper and writing materials is certainly never mentioned.


Microfiche could be cheaper than holotapes for displaying documents and the like. Or older source material might not have been converted. I don't think there's any established lore as to the date of the invention of the holotape.


And, like computer discs in RL, holotapes seem to be able to be used to store data files, audio files, or video. They're used for all three in-game.


Last thing: Once the player stops the president from his ambivalent plan shouldn't the following happen: no eyebots, no enclave soldiers, no vertibirds, no enclave radio signal. Ok, there might be still enclave soldiers in the field when you talk Eden out of his plan, and maybe some vertibirds, but maybe you get my point?



Canon as of Broken Steel is that most of the troops weren't in Raven Rock when it was destroyed, and the Enclave is still operating from Adams Air Force base, albeit without many of their leaders.


Why are the outcasts stealing or buying tech?, they don't seem to be doing anything with it.


It's the whole point of existence of the Brotherhood of Steel. They hoard technology, partly to research it, partly to keep it out of the hands of people they consider less worthy of it than them. That's why Lyons is seen as such a maverick, because he actually tries to do something with the technology, as opposed to just using it to get more technology.



When they buy weapons and armor that's better than what they have, they then do the Morrowind vendor thing.



That's a game bug, NPCs equip the best equipment they have available to them. I suppose having a vendor equip some power armour or a minigun than to kill a raider with a flick knife, and then find out he had a casual Gatling Laser sitting in his inventory that he just didn't feel like using at the time.


Yes, I do know that it is just a game, but my personal disbelief is not suspended while playing it.


I've got my own problems with the world and story of FO3, but your gripes with it seems a little strange, compared to the fact that Little *&$^*£! Lamplight exists!

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Ok so the player has practiced shooting with a spring-loaded, lever-action(?), BB Rifle for 9 years. Can we, safely, assume that the player has learned to repair his weapon?

For the sake of the game, no matter what Special the player chooses and no matter what weapons the player uses, if any, the player's Small Guns and Repair Skills should be maxed out.

My main problem with the people of the Waseland is that there is no one teaching anyone about firearms. No one. There isn't any trust nor loyalty in the raiders. You never see them practicing, so what?are they all born with perfect aim?with full maxed perception?the raiders in Vanilla aren't selfish enough. You kill one, the response should be "more for me!". The mods FWE and FOOK do not make things "realistic". I thought that raiders were supposed to be about sadism and selfishness. You shoot one and "they all come running"? knowing exactly where the player is, stealth or not. BS.

IF the player's father was an MD, then why does the overseer say "We need a doctor, not a dentist." in one of the white-out time transitions?

Except that the player's father isn't an MD, he's an experimental civil engineer. What he ends up doing proves this theory.

The player's Medicine skill would probably be First Aid or like level 25.

How many people are supposed to be in vault 101?

Aren't the vault security people supposed to be elite? The security that the player confronts seem untrained or "Keystone Cops."

The overseer doesn't trust anyone, not even his daughter. Amata has learned from her father that might makes right.

This is set in "the future", how is it that they don't know that torture doesn't work?

The player's father isn't as smart as Bethesda makes him out to be. He makes no contingency plans. Does not plan for his childs future, just makes an assumption.

Not everyone "forgot" how the player and his/her father came to be in the vault.

From the player's conversation with James just before taking the GOAT, which is a real test in real life, the player learns that what the overseer says is pure crap.

"You are born in the vault, you will die in the vault."

James, Catherine, and the player are from Rivet City....or are they from The Commonwealth?

There are problems: where did James and Catherine "go to school"?

In real life can just anyone just choose to become an experimental civil engineer without any specialized schooling?

Is it possible that they were taught by Pinkerton?

Vault 101 is too small. The atrium cannot be used for sports events, there is no space.

Vault-Tek supposedly planned for Vault 101 to be sealed forever. Why does it still have a funtioning entrance door?

How are the radroaches getting in? Why are they aggressive? RL roaches run at any movement or light.

Recently read that the food in FO3 is presented incorrectly. It wouldn't be radioactive, as that's not possible, it would be irradiated. So it would be possible to be eating 200 year old food as irradiation would make it impossible to rot.

The "rad" animals should be rad-resistant if not rad-immune making their flesh rad-free.

There have been many discussions on here about radiation, so I won't go there beyond where I've already gone.

Why aren't women protected in the Wasteland?If you don't keep them safe, then you lose you source of population growth.

Raiders "sadism" doesn't work. Shouldn't the women be held in the raider base camps and not "on patrol"?

Same for the men, actually. Raider-type activity is too risky.

220 years after the war...the Wasteland, including DC, would be picked clean of everything. No ruins would still exist in original form.

If the player has to pick a lock to get into a room, that room should be prewar pristine. imo.

The BOS scribes should be collecting blank paper and writing instruments. Even at the FO3 level of tech, it's not paperless. If it was there would be no books, paper, paper trash, pencils, chalk boards, etc.

There would only be holotapes and holotape players. What the heck is with the microfische readers in the library? H O L O T A P E S!

Speaking of holotapes, why are they audio only? What does "holo" mean in FO3?

The computer consoles seem to be network consoles with just keyboard input. Output is text only.

Last thing: Once the player stops the president from his ambivalent plan shouldn't the following happen: no eyebots, no enclave soldiers, no vertibirds, no enclave radio signal. Ok, there might be still enclave soldiers in the field when you talk Eden out of his plan, and maybe some vertibirds, but maybe you get my point?

Why are the outcasts stealing or buying tech?, they don't seem to be doing anything with it.

When they buy weapons and armor that's better than what they have, they then do the Morrowind vendor thing.


Yes, I do know that it is just a game, but my personal disbelief is not suspended while playing it.



Seem to be an awful lot of sweeping assumptions here.


  1. Why the heck should the Player's Small Gun and Repair skills be maxed out? If s/he had spent every waking moment of their teenage years doing absolutely nothing but practice their shooting, then this may be doable, but this is not what happened. Instead, the LW kept busy in V101 all that time learning stuff in school and working, just like all the other kids. If the LW 'specializes' in specific skillsets, that is what Tag skills are for.
  2. Regarding firearms training in the Wastes, I clearly recall Simms's son talking about how his father is teaching him how to shoot. So much for your assertion that "NO ONE" does this. There is also that bit in the Big Town quests where the LW can give the inhabitants there some quick-n-dirty firearms training. Finally, there is unliikely to be much in the way of organized gun ranges or qualified shooting instructors around in the Wastes - you scrounge a weapon and ammo somewhere, figure out how to use it without getting yourself killed and, if you are EXTREMELY fortunate, there will be an ally who can help you out with all this. Having so much ammo that one can afford to use it for practice shooting, instead of self defence or hunting, is probably a rare thing for Wastelanders.
  3. As for Raider behaviour. Sure they are selfish, but they are also part of a group. if one or more of their number is attacked, the obvious first priority is to locate and deal with the danger. Once that is done, then they can set about looting former associates. Basic common sense, really. As for attacking obviously superior opponents ....... well, one can always get lucky, surrender is widely acknowledged to be a very bad idea, and running away just gives the other guy clear shots at your back. Limited choices.
  4. No reason James couldn't be multi-skilled (and it doesn't mean he is also a good judge of people on top of all that). As for him being an MD ..... well, um, gee, funny you should mention it but I fail to recall ever hearing what Medical School he graduated from, or even that he WAS an MD. Come to think of it, I don't recall any of the other "Doctors" in FO3 ever mentioning what their formal qualifications were either.
  5. As for how James ended up being the Doctor for Vault 101, think about it. Plainly, he had "some" medical skill (refer the Birth scene), but his top priority afterwards was finding a safe haven for his child. Vault 101 was available (somehow) and needed a Doctor, so he put his hand up. If the Vault had instead wanted a priest or a left-handed candlestick-maker or a piano-tuner, James probably would have claimed qualifications in those fields instead, and then found ways to muddle through. Someone with literacy, basic skill / experience and access to Stimpacks (available in 101) could very easily convince worried people that he was a "real" Doctor ("If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck..."). Certainly been abundant instances in the real world where people successfully posed as Doctors for quite some time. This kind of meshes with that Overseer comment mentioned - maybe he was getting suspicious, or James's "real" qualfications WERE in dentistry. :wink:
  6. How many people are supposed to be in Vault 101? #### if I know. Far fewer than there used to be, though.
  7. Vault Security's competence / skill level (or lack thereof) is plausible. For at least a couple of generations (maybe longer), their primary threats have been unruly teenagers and radroach infestations. In other words, V101's Security are now Mall Cops, only with guns and body armour. If they WERE truly competent, then the LW's escape would have been a heckuva lot more difficult, if it was even possible.
  8. 'Torture Doesn't Work'. IMO, this is only an 'applause line' - ie. something that sounds great in speeches (like 'Violence Is Never The Answer' or 'Honest People Don't Get Cheated'), but is otherwise meaningless. Unsure what you are on about here - the Overseer's grilling of Amata, perhaps? Inflicting mental stress via intimidation is a valid tactic in properly-run interrogations (harder for the target to lie convincingly). Noting too that the Overseer was definitely out of control and over-reacting to pretty much everything at that time.
  9. Never been made clear where James and Catherine originally came from. It simply wasn't important in-game - maybe something that could have been the starting point of a DLC under the right circumstances (or one heck of a mod). If either or both were taught by Pinkerton (interesting hypothesis), he sure doesn't talk about it (uncharacteristic in itself, since that old guy has PLENTY to say about everything else).
  10. How big should V101 be? There are several doors marked 'INACCESSIBLE', including a couple on major throughfares, of which we know nothing. So it isn't like we ever get to tour the entire vault anyhow.
  11. Yep, Vault 101's Atrium is too small for "real" baseball or soccer. My thought is the 101ers use it to play "cut-down" versions of those games - fewer players for soccer, for instance. After a generation or three, odds are V101ers would think of their versions of those games as the "real" ones, and the stuff in Pre-War records as being the 'Old Fashioned' version. As for Vaults supposedly being built to last "forever", I put this down entirely to Vault-Tec advertising hype. Furthermore, a reusable door is a very sensible option - what if people were originally mustered into the Vault via a false alarm, or The War wasn't as bad as it was? (My biggest problem with the Vault design has always been them only having one means of access. What if there were problems - door stuck, tunnel collapse, traffic jam outside, etc.?)
  12. How are the Radroaches getting in? Teleportation, maybe? Vault 101 is big, has no lack of nooks and crannies, sustained near-misses from multiple nuclear strikes, has had very little (if any) exterior inspections / maintenance (by qualified personnel) in the 200-odd years since aforementioned strikes, and was presumably built by the lowest bidder in the first place. Yep, nothing to bother oneself about there. Why are the Radroaches so aggressive? Hello-o-o, Mutant? :dry:
  13. As regards the Wasteland being picked clean after 200 years, we don't know (a) how much stuff was there to be found in the first place (probably buttloads, at minimum); and (b) how many scavengers (people) were around for most of that time (probably very few, thinking about it). Obvious places like the Super-Duper Mart have been 99.9% picked clean, as one would expect. Other places, like the National Guard Armoury, retain caches that (via concealment or defenses) are untouched. Certain factories are at least semi-functional (the Robco and Red Racer plants are put to some use by various people) and/or retain a heckuva lot of stock (the Nuka-Cola plant stands supreme here - stockpiles aside, how many kilolitres of Nuka Cola is still sloshing around in its basement?). There are the Vaults in or near DC, which all arguably have in-built manufacturing capability (making their own vaultsuits, producing food, and air / water recycling, to name just a few). There are the settlements of DC, all of which must be productive on some level in order to survive. Also, there is contact / trade going on with places beyond the DC Wastes by the time of FO3 - eg. The Pitt, The Commonwealth and Point Lookout (plus various mods :wink: ). So the DC area is not a model of conspicuous consumption, but there is plenty of scope for goods to be imported from elsewhere or otherwise renewed, and then distributed by various means. This even explains the large incidence of Raiders - most are probably "blow-ins" from elsewhere, all coming to 'The Big City' to score weapons, drugs and good times. Odds are those incoming Raider groups also bring some goods with them - not necessarily for trade (though that cannot be completely ruled out).
  14. A room can be locked at any time. Automatically assuming that all locked rooms have remained untouched since The War is exactly that - an assumption. Given 200-odd years of chaos; pretty much any room anywhere in the DC area could be found, opened, looted, occupied, abandoned, forgotten, found again, repurposed, stocked, locked and abandoned again any number of times by any number of people. Or none at all. Or any combination in between.
  15. Maybe 'Holo' was originally a brand name in the FO3 world? :wink:
  16. Sorry, don't get your point on the Enclave. Take out the President, mess them up good. Whatever happens, there remain (semi-)organized elements which still control high-tech gear like Eyebots or radio transmitters. Some of them may even be sufficiently deluded, desperate or fanatical to believe (or to keep trying to convince others) that 'President Eden Will Rise Again', so to speak.
  17. The BOS was supposedly all about salvaging tech from the beginning. The Outcasts are the same, feeling that the rest of the DC chapter of the BOS have gone soft and/or native. Not doing anything with their salvage? Kind of an in-game irony thing going on there, methinks.



Your suspension of disbelief, your problem. I think most if not all of your objections have already been discussed to varying degrees on this forum. Frankly, no problem here - there is nothing that cannot be explained via imagination, a little thought and/or accepting that certain things were done thus to simply make the game playable.


FO3 was never perfect. If it was, most of the mods here and elsewhere would have never been created.

Edited by 7thsealord
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  1. It would make sense that the LW would have a better small guns and repair skills.
  2. People would train each other how to use guns.
  3. Raiders want to protect the group then redistribute the stuff of the dead. If person A gets killed, person B and C want to stay alive.
  4. Your dad is an idiot, so why would he have any contingencies.
  5. Holotapes do store text. Some holotapes have text when you look in the pip boy. The Fallout world has 1970's level computer technology, and last time I checked, that was 40 years ago and we still use books.
  6. Pinkerton or the Brotherhood would have taught people how to do things. Also, there were other Vaults that evacuated before the LW's dad was born. Some of them would have passed on their knowledge. There are books and computer records still in existence. The Naval Research Institute existed in the 2240's. It also wouldn't be hard to fake knowledge if all you had was basic training. There aren't many Universities in the Fallout World.
  7. With how big the DC ruins are and how many people died, it would be probable that many areas haven't been looted yet. Not everyone is equipped to cross the Wasteland to loot buildings. It is also mentioned that people still grow things. Moya mentions peaches and there are farms in New Vegas.
  8. The Enclave has bases other than Raven Rock. The have Adams AFB, an Outpost near Chicago and other small outposts. They soldiers would come from somewhere else.
  9. The original Brotherhood just sits on technology and knowledge rather than use it for anyone's benefit.

One thing that is weird is how few women there are in the game. I know in nature there are slightly more men than women, but there is no where near a gender balance. Most of the NPCs are men.

Edited by trob1000
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New Vegas has its own problems. It was a game that could have sat in development for another year and it would have been better. Bethesda also needs to not waste its time world building. I would rather have a few copy pasted buildings and sewers and have better thought out side quests.

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