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How will you celebrate Abraham Lincoln's Birthday?


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You're gonna get owned. I hate that place. 2 people with super sledges, like 5 with hunting rifles, a person with a mini-gun high up, a person with a missile launcher in the distance, a couple people with assault rifles, and Clover with a chinese sword/sawed off shotgun all coming at you at once. Good luck.
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You're gonna get owned. I hate that place. 2 people with super sledges, like 5 with hunting rifles, a person with a mini-gun high up, a person with a missile launcher in the distance, a couple people with assault rifles, and Clover with a chinese sword/sawed off shotgun all coming at you at once. Good luck.


Well that wouldn't have stopped Lincoln from trying.

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You're gonna get owned. I hate that place. 2 people with super sledges, like 5 with hunting rifles, a person with a mini-gun high up, a person with a missile launcher in the distance, a couple people with assault rifles, and Clover with a chinese sword/sawed off shotgun all coming at you at once. Good luck.


That's why Lincoln had Yankee scientists invent the stealth boy when he was fighting the commiefederates.

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I'm from Mississippi, so I'll celebrate by handing all the artifacts over to the slavers to be burned.


Oh, sure, I'll kill the slavers too, but if the memory of that tyrant can be wiped out along the way....well, that'll just be ok. :P


Also need to figure out how to remove the Lincoln shrine from General Lee's house...

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I'm from Texas, but Lincoln is my all time favorite President. :smile: I will Dress up as Lincoln, Facial Hair and All, then stand on the the Memorial Steps, pause Dramatically, the start reciting the Gettysburg Address, then go to Paradise Falls and Kill them all while laughing. I may also use weapons other than the Repeater :wink: .
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As an Englishman Im going to stand on the prow of one of the still floating boats at the mouth of the river and pretend to be the Royal Navy, ready to intercept any slave ships that happen by :biggrin: . (All that being said, in my home city of Manchester there is a statue of Lincon raised in honour of his empancipation proclamation, an odd thing some would say for an English City, ah well)
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As an Englishman Im going to stand on the prow of one of the still floating boats at the mouth of the river and pretend to be the Royal Navy, ready to intercept any slave ships that happen by :biggrin: . (All that being said, in my home city of Manchester there is a statue of Lincon raised in honour of his empancipation proclamation, an odd thing some would say for an English City, ah well)


Hiya, I'm from Merseyside and had frequent trips to Manchester back in the day but I never knew that so thanks. :)


I did learn that we redressed some of our slave history by becoming the first nation to actually use our ships to g after slavers though so that's something.



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