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Skyrim LEgendary Edition MOds dont work?


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Guys please help...i have no idea if all my mods downloaded from nexus work on my new Skyrim Legendary edition or not???


The first mod...SkyUI,,,i have to manually install it to work...with SKSE...manually installed.(can not get those to work by nexus...install and active)...There are many mods i cant list it here but i have this follower Lydia...


Installed this mod A Sexy Lydia Replacer CBBE V_05 by nexus mod manager but i cant get it to work...?? (try many ways but lydia still wearing the same costume....Installed all the required mods...some1 please help

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I purchased and installed mine via steam yesterday and mods don't work via steam or via nmm. Texture mods seem to work, but nothing that has its own meshes or dialog. Did they change something in legendary addition to prevent modding???


BTW, no errors or crashes, the game just plays as if the mods do not exist when they are clearly in the data folder...

Edited by dmgilfilen
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It appears the legendary edition does NOT have the DLC files coming with it automatically....


I think you have to download them from Steam manually, have you tried that?

The DLC's that came with the Legendary edition did all download and install - and in the game their quests kicked off via the various trigger activities - no issues with the main game or DLC's, the issue is adding additional mods (like companions, houses, etc...) They all act like they are activated in Steam and/or NMM and show up in the data folder - but they do not activate in the game and no errors are generated. Its like the game is just ignoring the mods. I'm sure its something stupid I've done, but I'm not sure what to try next..

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When you simple google you see people running mods with legendary edition without any issues... it must be something on your end... You sure you have all the mod requirements installed? Some (a lot) mods require SKSE and SkyUI installed or they will not work normally. It would be kind of hard to imagine Bethesda making a game which is fully mod-able, then releasing an edition not being compatible with the current build. The legendary edition is similar to the regular edition. You just get the whole package for less "Coin" :P


The only stuff I can imagine is;

1) Wrong load order of your mods

2) Old mods not made for the current Skyrim version

3) Requirements missing


It would help, to have a bit more information, like your current load order, installed mods, and mods that arent working.

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When you simple google you see people running mods with legendary edition without any issues... it must be something on your end... You sure you have all the mod requirements installed? Some (a lot) mods require SKSE and SkyUI installed or they will not work normally. It would be kind of hard to imagine Bethesda making a game which is fully mod-able, then releasing an edition not being compatible with the current build. The legendary edition is similar to the regular edition. You just get the whole package for less "Coin" :P


The only stuff I can imagine is;

1) Wrong load order of your mods

2) Old mods not made for the current Skyrim version

3) Requirements missing


It would help, to have a bit more information, like your current load order, installed mods, and mods that arent working.

I appreciate the sanity check on this one. I do not have SKSE or SkyUI loaded, so I'll try that next. Thanks!


Double-thanks!! SKSE did the job. Also I dropped NMM and went to Wrye Bash which pulled up and activated all the mods which were not activating previously - so my vote is for : Steam + SKSE + Wrye Bash... Happy gaming!

Edited by dmgilfilen
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