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Programs for modding Skyrim


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When I mod Skyrim, I most often find myself using SkyEdit. From my experience, it's faster, FAR less crashy and buggy, and overall easier to use than the Creation Kit.


How do others like to go about their modding? Has anyone had better luck with the CK, or replacement programs like SkyEdit?

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Hi, this forum section is close to death lolXD


Btw I see you make mods what is verry cool, can I make a reqeust for mods just because :D


Mod reqeust: remove 90% of the light sources in dungouns so torches (verry common for caves) are always required (sorry if already exist)


Anyway can you read my post also, its called Super skyrim Mod, so I have atleast 1 view-.-

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When I mod Skyrim, I most often find myself using SkyEdit. From my experience, it's faster, FAR less crashy and buggy, and overall easier to use than the Creation Kit.


How do others like to go about their modding? Has anyone had better luck with the CK, or replacement programs like SkyEdit?


I use Creation kit racked up over a thousand hours in it over the past three months and it hasn't crashed on me once, and never really had an issue with bugs (Oh except for one which pissed me off).


Skyrim however....now that's crashed on me hundreds of times.

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