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The Elder Scrolls V - What Would You Want?


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I'm seriously considering reposting my post from another thread like this :).


Speaking of multilayer - I think it'd be awesome. Did any of you guys play that... space shooter thingie game from microsoft? (free something or the other.. freelancer I think?)


It supported mods :) It worked like this: The host had all of the other people characters saved on his drive, people that connected would have to sync all mods with the host = download them from the host.


I think that that's a fine idea if the hosts were smart and only used mods of smaller sizes. I think that beth could create a server searching tool which'd give you info on how much data you'd have to download.


Too bad OBSE like tool's'd probably be out of the question. But darn, I'd just about KILL PEOPLE for OB multilayer.

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Keep this series a single player game, the more time they put into a co-op or online game is time that could be better spent improving the single player experience. Make enemy encounters with enemies of random level. Stop having creatures, npc's level with you!


And finally give main character a voice, several selections would be a plus. I'm sick of being a mute!

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Agh. I'm currently experiencing non-leveled Actors (Morrowind), and finding it pretty masochistic. I'm exhausting the "easy" quests much before I get strong enough to move on, and entering dungeons is basically a crap-shoot. I imagine it would be even worse if it was random, where you can't even take an educated guess. If leveled challenges are clevery done, they can provide exactly the same difficulty curve as non-leveled ones, without too linear an experience or worrying whether or not the quests you take are suitable. It could even add replayability, if the quests are significantly different if tackled at different levels. That's not to say I like how Oblivion does it, but level scaling of some kind seems perfect for a game like this.


As far as I'm concerned, less is more for voices. I actually prefer Morrowind's system, where only the GameMode dialogues are voiced (Makes mods less intrusive, allows for longer/more dialogues, allows use of the player's name, and makes the limited one-per-race/sex voice acting less annoying), but I doubt we'll ever be going back to that. A player voice seems to me like it would make the player's personality more set in stone, unless they would actually say things like "Rumors" and "Imperial City".

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Much, Much, Much, more Lore. I want books and scrolls, archives and researchers. I want to know everything about TES. Why did the dragons leave? Where did the Dwemer go? Are there any Ayleids left alive? I want them to go the whole 10 yards when it comes to Lore this time around.


Please, no more generic everything. I don't like getting the same "Mace of Burning" 3-5 times in a row when fighting Dremora. Some things can be Generic, but not as mush as in Oblivion.


Bring back the special spells from Morrowind. Sanctuary, Blind, Mark & Recall, they were some of my favorites. They made fights very strategic and not so hack & slash as Oblivion.


Anything I missed?

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As far as I'm concerned, less is more for voices. I actually prefer Morrowind's system, where only the GameMode dialogues are voiced (Makes mods less intrusive, allows for longer/more dialogues, allows use of the player's name, and makes the limited one-per-race/sex voice acting less annoying), but I doubt we'll ever be going back to that. A player voice seems to me like it would make the player's personality more set in stone, unless they would actually say things like "Rumors" and "Imperial City".


I agree with this totally. Morrowind like of voices i kinda liked. On the other hand it was cool in oblivion to walk up on people over hearing conversations. The player having a voice is something that is nice in theory but terrible in practice. Its fine if the voice sounded like you want.


The combat system i would like updated in way that is isnt complicated. Like hand to hand to a more martial art style of combat as you get better. The sword you actually automatically do sword forms instead of having to push foward...etc. Simplifies and makes the combat system flow more beautifully. IE you can watch more without worrying what to do.


More worthwhile thieving abilities and stealable loot.


A better story line than oblivion. It wasnt bad but wasnt morrowind. Us roleplayers are VERY egocentric. I dont want to babysit the heir. I want to BE the heir. Less gopher missions and more Quests. I get bored at fetching items. I am a high level ultra warrior that can use magic and assissinate you in the midst of 10 city guards and your sending me to find a flower? to exterminate rats? Cater to my ego.


large scale battles. I know processors speed but it would be cool.

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As far as I'm concerned, less is more for voices. I actually prefer Morrowind's system, where only the GameMode dialogues are voiced (Makes mods less intrusive, allows for longer/more dialogues, allows use of the player's name, and makes the limited one-per-race/sex voice acting less annoying), but I doubt we'll ever be going back to that. A player voice seems to me like it would make the player's personality more set in stone, unless they would actually say things like "Rumors" and "Imperial City".



The combat system i would like updated in way that is isnt complicated. Like hand to hand to a more martial art style of combat as you get better. The sword you actually automatically do sword forms instead of having to push foward...etc. Simplifies and makes the combat system flow more beautifully. IE you can watch more without worrying what to do.


or hire sky captain to do it for them. if he could do that with the cs( and loads of work and effort) imagine what he could do with all beths power

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