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Is there a console command to force a cell to respawn?


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I have not been able to find one scouting through several wikis. I am looking for a console command to do it, not an editor command.





Alternatively how do you set respawn for cells or worldspaces in the CS for a mod?

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There is no command to force the respawn as such, but there is a command that sets the respawn timer:

setgs iHoursToRespawnCell to xx

The timer uses in-game hours, and the default setting is 72 hours. You can use this to speed things up, but you still must go elsewhere before the cell will reset.

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Hmm searching that command on the CSwiki and looking at the respawn formula, it appears that my problem is that I am never absent from the cell (In the Talos Plaza district) for more 72 hours at a stretch.

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I'm not sure I follow. Are you saying that you 'are' absent, but the game is saying your are not? Or are you saying that you 'need' to be gone for at least 72 hours? Because the latter is the case -- you have to be absent for (at least) that length of time before the cell resets.

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The second, and am typically through that cell (IcTalosPlazaDistr4ict05) each game day to get into Your Imperial City House by Pigface and do sword and mace practice on the live targets in the training room. And there is a pile of dead rats right outside my door from and TEC quest. So I will just make a conscious effort to avoid it for 72 hours straight.

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