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I think I have some mods that aren't playing nice together


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So I started a new game after a clean reinstall, and I'm at level 3 and I went to WhiteRun. As soon as I got inside WhiteRun, I went to the blacksmith forge and went into some menus at the forge. In the background I saw characters running by and heard the danger music play, so I exited out of there and went after whoever the townspeople are in pursuit of. Characters like Danica Pure Spring, the Avenicci woman, and Carlotta (who sells produce) were going after the culprit (it was a thief), and they even left the WhiteRun main gates and were outside the town. So maybe that is from Vanilla Skyrim, right? If not, it would probably be from a mod I have where random events happen (civil war battles, bandits traveling from one bandit camp/den to another, stuff like that). The mod is Immersive Patrols. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/12977/?


So immediately after this scuffle, after I loot the thief that the townspeople killed, I go back to the WhiteRun main gate and find this:




So yeah, I've never seen something so random and out of place with Skyrim before. This is the most random bug I've seen. A dead giant came out of nowhere. I'm suspecting this is two or possibly more mods not playing nice together. My best guess is that the mod I just linked above is in conflict with the mod Travelers of Skyrim. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/15501/?


I suspect this is so because the travelers of Skyrim mod has travelers moving all around Skyrim, and the Immersive Patrols mod has this plug-in (from the mod page):


=====Travelers Plugin=====

The Travelers Plugin adds groups of traveling citizens and salesmen. Current groups of travelers consists of a merchant, his/her mercenary and a commoner. They travel to all the capital cities besides Dawnstar and Winterhold for "lore" reasons. Once they have arrived in a city they will head into an inn or bar where they will sit, interact and continue to trade with the player until the next day. You can meet them on the roads just as you would any other npc in this mod.


That is my best guess to this bugginess.


I know my post is a bit all over the place. That is the best guess I have to the problem right now. I'd like some help in trying to determine what this bugginess is about. I went to eliminate a mod or mods if a mod or mods is the cause of such buginess. I don't want there to be very bad/game breaking problems later on in my playthrough.


If you guys don't think it is those two mods in conflict but may be other mods, I can list all the mods I'm using. If I have to uninstall a mod with scripts, do you think I should start a new game from the beginning just to be safe? Or am I being too paranoid about uninstalling a script based mod?

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Immersive Patrols is known to be quite buggy at times...

Travelers of Skyrim has no such thing, it adds NPCs, it shouldnt change existing ones.

You also have this bandit thing - again playing around in the same records.


I dont know how they interact, BUT since they all touch NPC data, I can imagine some conflicts. If you wanna dig into that you'll need to load those mods into tes5edit and/or CK to check exactly what they do and how they interract with eachother. You might (or might not) be able to resolve some conflicts by removing ITM records from those mods.


You should be careful with adding different mods related to NPC behavior and/or looks...

And about this weirdness in game :) beat this;



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So the Immersive Patrols mod seems pretty cool, but I think I outta give up either that mod or the travelers of Skyrim. I guess I will stick with keeping the travelers of Skyrim mod. I will rely on healing potions that I buy to heal my character. The travelers of Skyrim mod makes healing potions more readily available. They aren't as scarce with it. Also, you said that the Immersive Patrols mod is known to be buggy. The travelers of Skyrim mod has worked real smoothly for me in the past, too. It is too bad, the Immersive Patrols mod seems like it could be cool.


I will start a game from the very beginning, to ensure nothing bad is baked into the scripts or to avoid save game bloat problems. I'm only at level 3 and went from Helgen to Riverwood to WhiteRun. I think it would be worth it to start from the very beginning just in case doing so might avoid some headaches in the future.

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So the Immersive Patrols mod page says this: "Does not use scripts. Feel free to install and unistall worry free." It also has different plug-ins for different aspects of the mod. So what I did was uninstall the mod, and then reinstalled it, and upon reinstallation, it asks me which plug-ins I want. Instead of selecting all of them (around 10 or so), I just chose the five ones I really want. I did not choose the traveler plug-in, as that might conflict with the mod travelers of Skyrim.


What I'll do from here is pick up the game, not from the very beginning, but at a level 2 save in Riverwood, before this bugginess happened, and before I saw anything from the Immersive Patrols mod. Do you think if I pick up from that earlier save, everything should go well? Do I have to worry about anything bad being baked into the scripts of other mods. For example, if the travelers of Skyrim mod uses them (I don't know if it does) and those two mods conflict, do I have to worry about the scripts of that mod being tarnished? Can other mods affect scripts of unrelated mods?

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