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Wanted - simple black clothing


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I am looking for simple black clothing for a stealthy female archer/necromancer. It is difficult to find suitable clothing esp as most female clothing consists of a dress (which would not fit at all with my character).


I am playing a character that will not wear armour and the mage line of clothing doesn't seem quite right either. So looking for a simple tunic and trousers - either black or very dark grey or brown. Any trim or embelishments would be great but not essential.


I have looked through all the clothing mods I can find and nothing seems to fit the bill. There seems to be a real gap for dark stealthy assassin/ranger style female clothing. The best I have found is a recolour of the Hammerfell clothing but the arms appear to detatch from the body in first person view when using a crossbow which is somewhat immersion breaking!!


I think that the best I may be able to manage with my modding skills is a recolour of the miners clothing or the ragged clothing but was looking for something a little more stylish.


If someone would be prepared to take this on I would be very grateful.

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How about this one? It's a set of clothes that was originally a replacer for the mining outfit. It could be a bit too colorful, but that could be fixed by tweaking the textures. I used it some time ago and it looks very nice in-game :smile:


There's also this one http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/17511/ but it's a replacer, so I'm not sure if you'd like that :)

Edited by Jokerine
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Many thanks for the suggestions Jokerine, greatly appreciated - I had seen both of those. The first looked interesting but from the screenshots I wasn't sure whether the res was a bit low (have lots of hi res mods and so want clothing to fit in)


But I will certainly give it a go now you say it looks good in game.


If anyone has any other suggestions or fancies trying their hand at something a bit more outdoor/ranger style that would be fantastic!

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