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Someone "Different" on Revisited Dungeons/Hideouts


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I've played Skyrim enough to know that every repopulated dungeon or bandit hideout will have the same number of creatures/monsters/bandits every time I visit.


There's nothing new or surprising.


At no time will I re-enter a bandit camp or cave and find 5 additional bandits roaming the area who were not there the last time I cleared it out. I know where everyone will be located and can sneak accordingly; there are no surprises.


In my opinion, the lack of variety of respawns eventually makes revisits boring.


If there is a mod that gives some variety, let me know, because I have not found one. Otherwise, I would LOVE a mod of this nature!

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Sands of time (Ultimate Deadly Encounters, above) is HUGE and also brings in massive enemy attacks. If you want the zombie apocalypse, that's the mod for you.


If you just want some extra enemies in or around the dungeons, or along the roads, the same author has two different mods, which will work nicely together.


Genesis Unleashed - Leveled : Spawns a set or randomized (your choice) number of enemies in dungeons, at different places each time, so you don't get to learn them from repetition. The "leveled" part means the enemies scale to your level. They should also be the same type of enemy that normally inhabits the dungeons. You also choose whether it spawns enemies outside, but near, the dungeons. (There is also an unleveled version, where you could have weak or strong enemies, for variety)




Genesis Surface Encounters - Leveled: Same thing, but in the roads and wilds, instead of dungeons and their entrances. Also an unleveled version.



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