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Completing all quests


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Want to do all the quests, so I bought the strat guide and found out you cant do all the radiant quests once the main ones are done. Thats a bummer. Im level 35 and cant go back to get them. I hate not getting everything. Anyway, Is it possible to do every single quest with one char.? Seems to require a lot of reading ahead so is not to shoot yourself in the foot.

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You can't do every quest available in the game with a single character. At least, not without saving before certain questlines and going back to that save after said questlines are complete. Some questlines like that are: dark brotherhood; civil war; dawnguard; cidnha mines.


As far as radiant quests, those are pretty much all doable as far as I know (never heard of the main quest line preventing any of them). There are several radiant quests that are managed by the same quest records. Those can only have one active at a time. If you are getting a specific quest, try completing a few that you have open and try again.


You can get additional information about the game, quests (including which radiant ones are shared and cannot be done at the same time), and just about anything else on the wikis.




So yeah, a lot of reading is required to do the most that you possibly can.

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and even then if you do all faction quesrs , you probably will never do all quest depending on your choice of faction

i never did most of the times intentionally , like completely ignoring the thieves and DB quest lines

that is on one character tho


never done it in oblivion nor in morrowind

that is one of the pluspoints of the game



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