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How to add new endling slides?


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So I just finished my companion's loyalty quest and have set about adding endings for him. However, I can't find the script that makes the ending slides pan out, or whatever it is. Does anyone know how to add in new ending slides? I've created the dialogue and screencover in the VEnding quest - I just don't know where to link them from.


Edit: Ending slides*, gah.

Edited by dianacat777
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In each topic there is a Result Script (Begin) at bottom left that displays the corresponding slide.

For instance Arcade's slide:

SwapTexture OnScreenSlideRef "##GS01:0" "interface\endgame\endscrn_AR01"

(displays textures\interface\endgame\endscrn_AR01 on screen)

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Yes, I know - what I mean is, how do I make the slide itself play when it gets to the end? I already created the ending slide images, but I don't know how to get either the 'dialogue' of the slide or the slide itself to show.

Edited by dianacat777
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Ah, I see what you're asking now. There's an object script "EndingTriggerScript" that starts the ending with

set VEnding.bStartSlideShow to 1

NarratorRef.SayTo Player VEndingIntro

but after that you would think there would be an order controller of some sort....sorry I'm not much help.

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