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Red and Green Robes


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It is possible that there's no texture swap defined for the first person view. Open their ArmorAddon and click on the browse button next to the two 1stPerson .nif filenames, then double click on the mesh name in the list that appears and select the correct texture. It'll be the one used for the third person versions in the same ArmorAddon.


Due to a bug in the CK it forgets the texture swap applied to female first person views. To solve this, just open that ArmorAddon and act like you're going to pick a different .nif file, then cancel out of the file select dialog. This blanks out the 1stPerson .nif, causing it to default to the regular third person model, which does properly save texture swaps.

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Thx for the answer!


I found what you meant - the female bug with the robes. Though i don't know how to change it in the Creation Kit (I didn't use the Kit before).


I tried to change it, as you wrote, but i didn't change after all after saving!


Any ideas ?

Edited by Silverylake
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