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A Staff from oblivion


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I really liked Hrormir's ice staff from the elder scrolls iv oblivion, here is a link to exactly what im writing about: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Hrormir's_Icestaff

it does frost damage, light and chameleon wich we have in skyrim in a different way, instead of light from oblivion make it produce the mage light spell to a hitted target and for the chameleon make the simply invincible... and the textures and shapes were unique. as for how to obtain it, maybe place it standing stuck on an iced lake or iced river and with a tiny glow like the nirnroot but blue'ish until you pick it... i know its alot but hey just an idea i realy like. Hope to see it someday if it will ever be considered.

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You'll probably wait 10 lifetimes for someone to make this for you.



You know, Hrormir's ice staff looks like a white version of gandalf the grey's staff from lord of the rings...

If you were to download THIS mod and retexture it with one of the glacier textures, and make it slightly transparent or give it a cubemap, it's the best you'll probably get in a short timeframe.



PS: The link you put up doesn't work.

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