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Sneak Strangle


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Assassin kills: sneak strangling with a rope (garrote).


I don't know anything about modding it but maybe this idea could work:


Rope is a two-hand weapon and uses default unarmed resting anim (two fists up). Modder adds textured rope held by both fists. Sneak attacking from behind enemy will extend arms upward and foward, then return to default unarmed resting anim, enemy and player are suspended in animation with choking SFX, counts as attack and enemy health falls accordingly until enemy dies and falls down (normal ragdoll). Smithed ropes do greater dmg rate.


Or however it can be made :smile:

Edited by tritonforge
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  • 3 months later...

An idea that I hav had aswell.

Perhaps a garott could be fasioned at a forge. At first by using the pieces of string that can be made from hides, perhaps with a chance of breaking. Then later made by metal and almost no chance of break.

Also it would be cool if the option not to kill but to render unconsious was possible. It would go well together with some of the mods where the aim is to kidnap people.

A third option i would like is the option to strangle people in their sleep. Jumping up and to an unarmed kill with the above mentioned possibilities.

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