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Sharpshooters ENB Shadows


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Installed Sharpshooters ENB and love it. Except I have this one problem... When inside my home the fire causes the shadows on my character and follower to cause these weird flickering spots. Anyone know a fix for this?


Heres a Screenshot



Been messing with the skyrimpref.ini files and the only thing that fixes it is


iShadowMaskQuarter=4 >>> making this 4 a 0 which turns off the lighting from the fireplace so no more shadows....


But I want to be able to see lol so is there something else I can change to fix this?

Edited by vegeta450
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Which Sharpshooter ENB are you using, the old or new? The old is very very old and using a very old binary. I can imagine some issues with it, it looks like a problem with AO or something. Try another newer ENB and see if the problem persists.

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