colourwheel Posted June 26, 2013 Author Share Posted June 26, 2013 (edited) Do women not have the vote in Texas? if they do then a number must have voted for these people. Texas has been a completely red state since 1976. The state has been gerrymandered to the point where a democratic challenger wouldn't even stand a chance. Gerrymandering is legal but very undemocratic. Also not a lot of people voted for "these people". Edited June 26, 2013 by colourwheel Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JimboUK Posted June 26, 2013 Share Posted June 26, 2013 How do you gerrymander so men can vote and women not? given the large number of men and women that live in the same residence it would appear to be quite a difficult task. Now either women are voting for these people or the republicans have set constituency boundaries down the middle of peoples beds. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
colourwheel Posted June 26, 2013 Author Share Posted June 26, 2013 (edited) @jim_uk I think your missing the bigger picture here about gerrymandering. The republicans have controlled the state of Texas so long they have mastered drawing the districts lines for state legislatures to the point where no matter who runs there will always be a republican majority as long as the people in power to redistrict are republican. Maybe you should do some research about redistricting of Texas since you seem to be confused. Edited June 26, 2013 by colourwheel Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tidus44 Posted June 26, 2013 Share Posted June 26, 2013 Filibustering is undemocratic in the same way political parties require party members to vote (and even coerce party members to vote) the “party line” rather than what their constituents (the people) want. A common ploy by a majority that can push whatever they want through as law regardless of what the people want. The filibuster is an accepted part of the democratic system and is in place as an accepted means of political debate. If debate cannot be completed within the established time frame in order to allow a vote, then obviously the bill was not adequately written to allow its passage. If someone can speak for 13 hours on why a bill should not be passed (especially as well as she did), then obviously it should not be passed. Just as obviously a 13 hour filibuster identifies (to me anyway) that a politician who was democratically elected is either following her conscience or (hopefully) what her constituents elected her to do.Since Senator Wendy Davis was ruled as having broken the rules 3 hours short of the vote deadline, one has to ask why the bill didn’t get voted on and passed. The vote was never held because people protesting the bill booed and disrupted the proceedings long enough to prevent a vote occurring before the deadline. A sign of democracy in action as there certainly was not a whole lot of people present who supported the bill. As an aside, Wendy Davis gave excellent, logical, law-based arguments against the bill and the Republicans looked like sexist idiots because instead of addressing her questions, they went after non-issues, like someone helping her with her back brace. Like everything else in politics, there is always a loophole or means to abuse or misuse the system that is supposed to work in the best interests of the people, not the party nor the individual. IMHO this was democracy in action and not “unfair” or contrary to a democratic system.I wonder if there will be a huge cry from the Republicans to find out who altered the computer records to show a vote was taken and the bill passed (in the interests of democracy of course), since someone in the Republican side of the house are the ones keeping the records? This brings me to the Republicans who appear to want the US to go back to the 1950’s and who seem to have alienated a lot of people, particularly “minorities” who are rapidly becoming the majority. In many cases the Republican voice just doesn’t seem to “get it” and is preaching to a dying demographic or making absolutely ridiculous claims and statements.Just this morning I see an article on a Republican senator who is saying “sex education is the same as communism”, because mankind has existed a long time without sex education. Of course this same Senator believes the world is only 6000 years old and that dinosaurs are a conspiracy by scientists to make everyone believe it’s older than it is. I also noted that in the debate in Texas, the Republicans brought up the belief that exceptions in the bill for rape and incest were unnecessary because a “rape kit” examination prevents a victim from becoming pregnant and women who are raped “shut down” their reproductive system. A filibuster was the last thing Texans needed to be concerned about. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
colourwheel Posted June 27, 2013 Author Share Posted June 27, 2013 (edited) @Tidus44 Don't forget about Congressmen Michael Clifton Burgess who claims based on "scientific evidence" Fetuses masturbate so abortion should be outlawed... ;D Ironic some politicians rely on "scientific evidence" when it comes to fetuses but deny "scientific evidence" when it comes to climate change... :teehee: As of now Governor Rick Perry is going to try to have another "special session" to try to pass another anti-abortion bill. It's obvious Rick Perry didn't take a hint last night that the people didn't want this bill to pass. So abortion rights activists, progressives, and other passionate and committed feminist are going to rally exponentially standing with Senator Wendy Davis next time. Before last night Wendy Davis had only about 1,200 twitter followers after last night almost a hundred of millions have started to follow her... This fight isn't over yet but If rick Perry keeps trying to force this bill through the progressive cause only seems to grow. I have a strong feeling Rick Perry might lose his job to Wendy Davis next election... :thumbsup: Stand With Wendy! Texas is on its way to become a purple state... Edited June 27, 2013 by colourwheel Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tidus44 Posted June 28, 2013 Share Posted June 28, 2013 I really think the reason the Republicans were so upset in Texas wasn't because they lost the vote on the abortion bill. It was because when they heard "filibuster" they all thought it was some kind of sandwich from Dairy Queen and were totally let down when they found out what it really was. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
colourwheel Posted June 29, 2013 Author Share Posted June 29, 2013 (edited) I really think the reason the Republicans were so upset in Texas wasn't because they lost the vote on the abortion bill. It was because when they heard "filibuster" they all thought it was some kind of sandwich from Dairy Queen and were totally let down when they found out what it really was. It's a fact most of the craziest idiotic statements "spawn" from republican politicians in the state of Texas. You would think since this is the age of the internet some of these politicians would at least do a tiny bit of research even on something like a smart phone to see if what they preach is fact instead of total bull crap.... Also some of the things they say are actually dangerous and damaging to the public awareness. That "Rape kit" statement was completely irresponsible and complete fantasy to think it's a way to clean a woman out after being raped... Just imagine a woman raped in Texas go to the hospital thinking these "rape kits" will prevent her from getting pregnant when the only thing the kit does is collect evidence... Rick Perry is already personally attacking Wendy Davis as a teenage mother and as an American woman claiming she failed to "learn from her mistakes".... Rick Perry is rarely ever under scrutiny over the illusion of his popularity in the state of Texas. Ricky Perry said "What we witnessed Tuesday was nothing more than the hijacking of the democratic process,". The hypocrisy of this statement is appalling considering the only way the state legislature was able to even "try" to pass such an extreme anti-abortion bill was to force it through "special sessions" creating their own rules which in fact are grossly undemocratic to begin with. Despite If this bill passes or not for the 3rd time in the Texas state legislature via "special session", It is quite clear now the issue in itself has resulted in a new coalition in the state of Texas against the establishment of complete Republican control. With in the next few year the democratic party might start to actually dump millions for state and local elections in Texas. With the changing Demographics against the Republican party, especially in Texas, it is estimated that Latinos, African Americans, and Asians combined will out number Caucasians by the next nation election. Also females will out number Males in this state by almost 3% more. This isn't just a pipe dream... It's inevitable that Republicans will lose total control of Texas very soon because there is very little chance social conservative ideology will ever change... Edited June 29, 2013 by colourwheel Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rizon72 Posted June 29, 2013 Share Posted June 29, 2013 I live in Texas, and there are a lot of women who are republican AND conservative, I know that's shocking, but they are.Perry has made mistakes, I did not vote for him, but at the same time, I read things like this: Rick Perry is rarely ever under scrutiny over the illusion of his popularity in the state of Texas. Ricky Perry said "What we witnessed Tuesday was nothing more than the hijacking of the democratic process,". The hypocrisy of this statement is appalling considering the only way the state legislature was able to even "try" to pass such an extreme anti-abortion bill was to force it through "special sessions" creating their own rules which in fact are grossly undemocratic to begin with. and think right away of how Democrats passed the Healthcare bill, yet democrats and liberals don't care that it was underhanded and extreme as well. You can make a list for both sides, from California to New York, North Dakota to Texas, but to focus on one simply because of politics shows your biased, and a complete unwillingness to be critical of your own side. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
colourwheel Posted June 29, 2013 Author Share Posted June 29, 2013 (edited) Rick Perry is rarely ever under scrutiny over the illusion of his popularity in the state of Texas. Ricky Perry said "What we witnessed Tuesday was nothing more than the hijacking of the democratic process,". The hypocrisy of this statement is appalling considering the only way the state legislature was able to even "try" to pass such an extreme anti-abortion bill was to force it through "special sessions" creating their own rules which in fact are grossly undemocratic to begin with. and think right away of how Democrats passed the Healthcare bill, yet democrats and liberals don't care that it was underhanded and extreme as well. You can make a list for both sides, from California to New York, North Dakota to Texas, but to focus on one simply because of politics shows your biased, and a complete unwillingness to be critical of your own side. The difference is publically spewing about "hijacking of the democratic process" when it was obviously completely undemocratic what they did. I was never claiming Democrats passing the Healthcare bill wasn't at all a totally partisan when pushed through the legislative process but the hypocrisy lies in Rick Perry's public statement. I would say the same thing about the democrats if they publically were trying to make people think someone was "hijacking of the democratic process". I apologize if you think I am bias on this issue but the main focus of this topic is Texas turning into a purple state over abortion rights... Edited June 29, 2013 by colourwheel Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tidus44 Posted June 30, 2013 Share Posted June 30, 2013 Am I biased? Yeah and happy to be biased against and critical of the Texas Republicans. I just get a bit cynical about a bunch of self righteous dimbulbs who cry about the "sanctity of life" of the unborn while Texas under the watchful eye of Perry and his cronies becomes the number one state for sexual assault, mistreatment and child abuse deaths of children under the care of the state. I guess only certain children in Texas are important enough to care about. There is something I just don't like about politicians like David Dewhurst and Bill Zedler complaining about the "angry throng" practicing "Obama-style, mob-rule politics" and of "attacking the sanctity of life" while a "terrorist" debates the bill on abortion thus ruining Republican work to "increase the standard of care" of health services in Texas. How clueless do you have to be to make such statements and really, I am a bit tired of the same Republican BS since McCarthy of classifying everyone who doesn't agree with them as a communist, socialist, a hippie or now a terrorist. And also tired of their tactics of distraction by not facing the issues and answering the questions but going to whining and personal attacks. I guess if you got nothing intelligent to say, you just name call or change the subject.I'd also like an explanation of how decreasing access to health services improves the health of people? Lastly, the Republicans make it just too easy to make fun of them with their dumb statements and outlandish claims and actions. Maybe Perry will call for another Day of Prayer to fix the problems because that seems much more logical than actually doing something to address them. Sort of makes the joke "How many Texas Republicans does it take to change a light bulb? None - they like being in the dark." just a bit scary rather than funny. Glad Perry has called another special session - Wendy Davis will have another 13 hour opportunity to campaign to take his job, which is exactly what a lot of Texans are hoping for. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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