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How to get nicer looking characters?


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Hi Guys im kinda new. Sorry if this is a noob question.

How do you get nice skin(literal skin) colours and shades? I installed CBBE and mature skin mod but the skin of npc's are still so plain and has the same shade throughout. It just doesnt look as nice. I set my graphics to ultra too. I also tried UNP and some other skin mods but the npcs and characters in videos just look so much nicer.

Thanks a lot.

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Skin shade won't change no matter what texture sets your using, they're set by tint shaders and not by the textures themselves. Choosing a higher detailed skin texture will only change the amount of details you see in the skin not the shader themselves.


You can try ENB's to change the overall shade of the game, each has a different effect however, so you'll likely have to experiment with a few till you find one that creates the shade you want on the skin but leaves landscapes etc relatively alone.

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yup you will need ENB, and no matter which one you pick, youll have to tweak them if you want some realistic looks. With ENB you can get something like this;


Body: UNP

Skin texture: SG Female Renewal

No post processing in Photoshop or the likes.




Still, looks like a video game... color wise too... But its a heck of a lot better than the default Skyrim looks.

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Nop, ENB does not... you need good, and most of all complete, textures combined with good meshes. That SG female texture pack is truly a work of art though, no issues whatsoever with it. I did have seems when using other packs... annoyed the hell out of me.

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