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Looking for a mod that give you an equippable angel halo


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hey everybody, new poster here.

Anyone know of a mod that would provide a halo as an equippable helmet item. I'm trying to get an angel demon thing set up (see attached pic) between my character and Red Sonia from the mod by the same name, but all I'm missing is a halo and a set of bat wings.

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Here is at least 1 kind of halo:





I don't know about the bat wings though... you could try something close, like dragon wings or something...


Is this close enough?



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I don't know about those halos, but I know a few of their NPCs have them as well. But Midas Magic Companions has one person with a halo, though I don't think it's part of a character model but it's not an inventory item either. I say that cause when making a new character with the Mystic High Elf (the thing that the companion with the halo has) there ends up being no halo, though when sharing with the character with the halo, there is no halo in there. Either way, try asking the people in the links below, being Krisis1451 and Xilver respectively.




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