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Sanfredo - BANNED

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Sanfredo banned.

Reason for the ban
Trolling an upload thread and a mod author. Evidently your week off taught you nothing.

This is not acceptable in any way. You don't get to attack other members here which you have done several times now. You don't get to post like this and if you think your original post was even close to how the Nexus ToS defines Constructive Criticism then you could not be more wrong.
You apparently do not/can not read, understand, follow or care about the rules of this site. As such you can go elsewhere.

links provided are to hidden post (author req) and a deleted archived file

Your original post from a now deleted mod was thus:

Posted Yesterday, 05:58 PM

In response to post #8330359. #8330498 is also a reply to the same post.

Wow, you take criticism well. Okay, I read the description and:
"Made by request, this mod changes the silver weapons to look more like silver instead of the off green vanilla texture."
Bashing =/= Constructive/valid criticism.
And guess what? I can, and I will criticize a mod that looks bad. This doesn't look like silver, it looks like plastic.
"but this was done by request for someone who wanted it. Not to mention you are posting on a mod you did not download, which says a lot, because you did'nt try it, you have 682 posts and only 14 kudos, which makes me think you may be surfing and bashing. If so, go away. "
Yes, I'm not going to download this either, purely based on the screenshots which makes it look like a plastic toy weapon. And it seems to me that you think you're the superior person due to your kudos to post ratio. Get over yourself.
"Plastic clothes? This is a weapon mod. Do you mean the clothes in my screenshot? Who cares, that's not what this mod is even about."
A strange retort coming from a person who told Gambit77 to read better. "Guess this might appeal to the plastic clothes crowd" Which refers to the fact that this looks like plastic. Also this: "You might learn some more about how to handle specularity." That is exactly what makes it look like plastic instead of silver, so Gambits criticism is justified.
"You failed to realize what this mod is, and even about, and you will never learn by not paying attention."
At which point did his comment even imply that Gambit did not know what he was talking about, please inform me how you wise sage of wisdom.

Then you come back again in a differnt mod by the uploader with this:

In response to post #8326955. #8329611 is also a reply to the same post.

Wait a second, you actually deleted the mod because of "trolling". So legit criticism = trolling now. You have ascended to a new level of prickish, a person who doesn't accept criticism and instead of trying to address his faults, he censors it. Good job. Gambit77's and my comments addressing the flaw that a mod that claims it makes silver weapons look like actual silver shouldn't be something that makes the weapons look like plastic toys. Also, stop hiding behind words like "trolling", just because your pathetic little reply there got absolutely destroyed. Trolling =/= Criticism. You're in a mod site. Learn to take criticism or... STOP POSTING MODS. Simple as that.

Reference post

Reference post

Moderation history
This member received 0 informal warnings and 1 formal warnings before they were banned

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