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Little Sister Mod.


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Something ive been wanting to see for a while, I play my games with usually a big team/family. In fallout 3 I had a sister mod, which is really cool. And in Skyrim I always considered Vilja my sister, but now eeeeh not so much, since she has started talking about loving me because I have the mod in Oblivion too and Apparently we fell in love in Oblivion???


My point is, is having a actual Sister mod would be awesome and immersive. Have her waiting at riverwood or something and be all like "Hey I ran like you said i was so worried though when you got caught!" Something like that, have her sort of aware of whats going on. Doesn't have to be a little sister either could be a big one, i dunno, just having a brother or sister as a follower in skyrim would be cool.


This is kinda a request i guess but more so an idea, because a lot of people liked the little sister mod in fallout 3.

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That would sort of require custom voice acting though, and would be tricky. But any companion mod that doesn't have custom voices and romance would work, like just a generic follower I guess, as long as you don't mind pretending ;)

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