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Windows 8.1 - killed Skyrim & NMM


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Win 8 x64 here, and while the 8.1 patch did invade my computer a day prior, Skyrim was running fine until yesterday. I stopped playing the game so I could poke around a bit more in the Creation Kit, and that's when it started.


CK wouldn't open. Took forever to get to the "ready to load a data file" state, at which point it shut down. No error, no nothing.

Went back to the game and it didn't even get to the Beth logo, just died on launch.


Re-installed the CK and the game, as well as the latest video drivers, uninstalled Win patches dated for the 23rd, but still nothing.


Arkham Origins still works

Witcher2 still works


This smells like a plot to me.

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Downloaded the latest video drivers manually (apparently Win 8 prevents GeForce Experience from retrieving factual information on driver updates) but still no luck.


I've backed my Data Files down to only the core Vanilla game, and it still doesn't load.


Looks like I'm on a rollback, or a reformat/reinstall of basic Win 8.

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Hey guys,

I'm a complete noob myself (as you can see by the problems I'm experiencing in another thread. But, I did want to chime in to let you know that I am, in fact, running Skyrim, and booting through SKSE without any issues in 8.1.


If you're new to modding, and haven't yet, I highly recommend Gopher's video series linked below. It's how I ended up here in the first place :wink:


Edited by CyberOcelot
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Can anyone tell me how to rebert back to win8? I'm not finding any such options.

There is no going back unless you do a clean install. The question I have is why? I know I have chimed in before but I cannot understand why so many are complaining about 8.1. I updated and gained a performance boost. My Skyrim has never run as smoothly and I use about 100 mods and an ENB.


You do need to keep your video drivers up-to-date which may be a problem if you use a laptop from a vendor that uses proprietary drivers and don't update them (Toshiba, HP, .etc.) I can only speak from my perspective but I have Skyrim loaded on and updated 8.1 pro laptop and a dual boot 8.1 pro/ Win 7 desktop and I get better performance from the game using win 8.1.

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I just built a new rig and I'm now gaming on Windows 8.1 (moved from Vista ironically enough). After downloading Classic Shell Windows 8.1 isn't so bad (cause screw that metro crap). A lot of programs have to be ran in compatibility mode for Windows 7 or there's problems though, especially games. I seem to be getting much more frequent CTD's in Skyrim now as well which considering I had a rock solid stable mod setup before and could play days without getting a CTD I'm guessing it's 8.1 not playing nice with Skyrim even though I set the compatibility to 7.
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Wasted half a day "upgrading" to 8.1, then working out graphics performance issues. Ultimately for me it came down to updating graphics drivers. The issue was a little frustrating though, because after updating GeForce driver the issue persisted. It took me a while to figure out the driver culprit was an Intel graphics driver also needing updating - Skyrim would not recognize my GeForce driver until the Intel driver was updated, then I reinstalled the GeForce driver after that. Now things seem to be back to normal with game performance.

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