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New Mod Editing Help


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Hello everyone,

Im currently working on my very first mod for Skyrim that - for now - only adds a few spells for a Druid class. You can also review my other topic right here:



Now to my question:

I want to create a spell that spawns a field under the player, absorbing Health and Magicka of enemies who step into it and also increasing stamina reg of the player.

Now I kinda set that spell up orientating to the circle of protection skill, and I came up with the following system:



This is the Main Spell that will use the spell effect GrowNatureFFSelf

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This is the Spell that the Hazard uses and that uses the actual value modifier effect to drain health and stamina.




This is the actual magic effect that the hazard should be using to negate health and stamina of enemies who step into it (contact it).



Unfortunatly this spell doesnt work at all, but I dont know what Im missing. When I cast the main spell ingame (Grown Nature Spell), I only receive a buff that doesnt do anything (not even negating my own health and stamina).. only the description of my "HazardGrowNatureFFContact" effect is mentioned under the "active effects" folder of my character.


I would really appretiate a litte bit of help, thanks!

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