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How do I wake up a player from a package idle?


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I'm using a package that plays the idle IdlePray and applying it to the player through a scene. It works great until the scene ends. Player is stuck in idle, can't move, Depending on which idle I choose, sometimes jumping solves it. Otherwise I'm just boned.


Anyone solved this one yet?

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Can't remember off hand what one it is but there is a 'clear all idles' idle. Play default idle or some such that you call to 'shake off' those idles that don't end well.


You need to look at registering for animation events. Check out the animation script on my telescope mod that open closes the scopes


Register for the idle event you know is coming in your scene


once triggered 'wait' a set time that = your idle length


on event end, play that default/clear idle.


I'll go see if I can find the name of that idle, know I have it somewhere.

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In animation in CK




The actionIdleStopInstant just below it may work better.

As far as i understand these are actually idles in themselves but there only function is to 'Start' a new idle (break out of your idle loop) that does nothing/returns control to player.

worth a shot?

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It works! ;D

Thanks ma'am!


The two idles under ActionIdleStop are effective, the only issue is they contain a condition that the target cannot be the player, so either you mess with this (don't) or just clone the idle.


Sidenote: IdlePray has an issue where you can actually move in first person view but not third person, so you need to lock controls.

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