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Dying in 1-3 arrow hits, NPCs taking 5-6 from me to die


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Not sure which mod is causing this. I can handle Melee combat but it seems like archery is just killing me. I'll get killed in 1 hit from an arrow to the leg, and I'm level 31.


I've tried disabling ACE Combat, Enhanced Enemy AI, and Locational Damage, only the last one had any impact on the damage I was taking vs receiving, but not significant.



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Its an after effect of power leveling, and level mobs, you don't have enough hp and skills in armor to withstand the higher level archers with randomed high damage arrows, either power level your skill in armor by like letting a dagger bandit hit you while you heal and such or block with a shield, or avoid those archer drauger which are always the ones who do that by avoiding barrows and just doing caves; if your not power leveling read on.


Archers are something rather difficult for mods to mess up, if its one shots its more likely due to power leveling, but if not I suggest using either console or stealth to kill the archers first or "tim" because they don't have finishers or check to see if you have any mods that add arrows to leveled lists.

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I think you do the wrong way of increasing game difficulty... just by adding up difficulty in the menu you simply give NPC's more health and increasing their damage modifiers. Which is lame.


What you need to do is play on Adept or maybe Expert and add difficulty by overhauling the NPC AI and other combat related systems for both you and NPC (stamina/magica/damage/etc)


here, another thread, same stuff: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1025048-what-difficulty-do-you-guys-play-on-cause-legendaty-is-hard/

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I do play on Adept...I've never gone higher. I still get 1 shot, I've tried disabling everything I can think of that would be causing it, but I'm still dying in 1 arrow to the leg, but can take 7 or 8 sword hits before I'll die.


Is there any kind of mod I can use to regulate the NPC damage? ACE has something kind of like that, but it effects your damage too, and I don't really want mine to be any higher (well maybe my arrow damage could be higher, I really don't get why a NPC bandit does more damage than the dragonborn).

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I don't see anything in SkyTweak that lets me set NPC arrow damage, only the overall damage I receive or do.


And everything is working the way I want it, except Arrows. I think if I lower the damage enough so that arrows wont kill me in 1 hit, then I would survive 50 sword hits.

Edited by DZ302
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Actually I just figured out it was caused by Locational Damage. That mod has a really strange (and vague) uninstall process and I wasn't doing it correctly.


Thanks for all the help, and also thanks for suggesting SkyTweak, it's going to let me balance the game in a lot of other cool ways!

Edited by DZ302
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