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What difficulty do you guys play on? cause legendaty is hard


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I use Skyrim Redone so the overall difficulty is greatly increased.

But I change my difficulty based on how quickly I can kill a bandit. If it takes 1 hit I increase it... But once it's increased, I do not decrease it. :3

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When I play on Legendary (as I always do), I play with an increased damage mod, locational damage, and my elastic energies mod [WIP]


Having a higher weapon damage (sometimes up to 20x attackdamagemult), will make a bandit a 1hk, but it will also make you a one-hit-kill.


It's quite challenging and fun knowing that you could get nailed any time by some guy with a bow.

Sneaking through a house full of guards (GG manor), and knowing that if you get caught you could easily die makes playing the game worth it. I will never put up with crappy balancing done by Bethesda, or unrealistic damage, etc... I'm more interested in the idea of accuracy then power any day


Have fun playing :)

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I play on Legendary plus a ton of difficulty mods and combat mods then set my features and tons of other settings much much higher and keep raising as i get a bit stronger ( even starting a new playthrough as lvl 1 i leave everything how i left it before, diff and all ), pretty much i play on a setting that is constantly dangerous no matter how powerful you are or what type of playstyle you are on, and i enhance it with my own roleplay.


Death is a constant thing in my games i love being challenged and feel happy after i finally manage to defeat a powerful foe that makes me die a ton. it's rewarding to me.

Edited by PsYchotic666Joker
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What I really need is a conjured bow that shoots backwards, or potions that explode when you lob them over your shoulder while running away. :smile:

You could always use runes and fire them at your feet as you flee in terror :P



You know, I'm actually gonna try that. Do runes hit for full damage, or are they nerfed like player damage? Wait... don't answer that; I'm gonna go try it right now. Frost runes might even slow them down a bit. I knew there had to be SOME use for runes, maybe this is it. Okay, healing spell in one hand, rune in the other, Elsweyr fondue, Farkas crawling in the dirt; power retreat! :dance:


I've never really had to run so far back before. Tryin to get through Dustmans Cairn with my new toon and the Silver Hands are kickin our gluteus maximi. I've taken one hit a couple times so far and my health bar turns into a red dot. (I never realized how weak Farkas was until he had to do most of it by himself. He's crawled through half the ruin on his hand and knees.)


EDIT: :down: Had hoped runes might inflict normal base damage; no such luck. There are better ways to retreat than leaving 5 damage land mines behind.

Edited by Lord Garon
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Skyrim Legendary + Deadly Dragons/Deadly Monsters + Enhanced Enemy AI.


DD scale is as following:


Dragons: +50% to base attributes and physical/magical damage. + 500 Armor Class (wearing not at least 2 items with resistance gear is a no go)

All other mobs: +50% base attributes (health, stamina, magicka) + 100 % physical/magical damage + 250 Armor Class


Leveled Actors are truly powerful now, especially in combination with Enhanced Enemy AI. The later mod enhances mobs to be much more aggressive and they fight more tactical. There is no illogical resting and pausing between two attacks, if you are staggered they pursue you and hit as much as they can while you are helpless.

Briarhearts slay my lvl 116 player char with over 600 health, all important heavy armor perks in two or three hits if I dare to come along without a shield for blocking or don't try to get on distance after I delivered some blows while they are staggered. Fighting a non staggered Briarheart Berserker in melee range without a shield is suicide. High lvl archer mobs are a pain in the ass, with a lucky crit they almost one hit you.

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expert, with dragon combat overhaul and ERSO.

played on expert with SkyRe for a while, stopped because i wanted to try morrowloot.


I'll never understand why chaurus are harder to kill than falmer... (seriously, falmer even use them as ARMOR and the bugs still are harder to kill.)

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Permadeath ... Legendary difficulty is ... running scared ...


Pretty frustrating on Legendary still. Conjuration was my fall back in earlier days, but now, I don't know. My guy is becoming an Alchemist just to stay alive. Orchendor basically ran me out of the ruins. (I don't know why dragons are so feared in Skyrim; Orchendor and Briarhearts are the ones to really be afraid of; I think either one could lay waste to the entire province.)


I need MUCH better stuff. A long time ago, I tried some strange characters. One was an Entreprenuer; he tried to buy his way to the top. He might just have a chance on Legendary. Or maybe my Master Artisan (crafting skills guy).


What I really need is a conjured bow that shoots backwards, or potions that explode when you lob them over your shoulder while running away. :smile:



Wow, I'm totally feeling this. I've been run out of a lot of places. Usually it's a Bandit Chief with a mage as backup -- magic doesn't much work on me, but it's murder on followers until you become a fairly accomplished enchanter. Forsworn are on Old Gods steroids or something. Yow.

And Alchemy just to survive, I hear that, too. If you get hit once and you're on death's door that means if you don't heal to 100% you'll die if you get hit again, so you have to burn a lot of healing potions just to stay topped off if you ever get into trouble even with just one opponent who refuses to be distracted by your companions.

Speaking of distractions, you're right about Conjuration not being enough if the conjurer draws all the aggro. "Summon and scram" is still a good strategy; put enough distance before anyone actually engages you and they'll go for the atronach instead. But once an enemy engages you ... I got chased from Kolskegger all the way to the Markarth Kajiit caravan, atronachs thrown in the path to no avail until finally they went after my follower.

Oh, and let's not forget the Undying Snuffleupagus. You now have to figure out a "finishing move" for anything above your level, because once they start running or staggering on that last bit of heath the regen cranks up so high you can't do enough damage to overcome it. I was chasing a burning mammoth who just wouldn't die, and due to bad timing eventually got 1-shotted (or 1-tusked). If you don't have a finishing move you'll never finish the fight (until it finishes you).

Hah hah, those Briarheart guys are just terrors, even at higher levels. There's actually a sort of "sweet spot" between levels 1-10 where Lydia can beat them without you having to get too close. Kolskegger Mine is kind of a "must-have" for me because you can make serious money there without leveling speech.


"A healing spell ... are you a priest?"

"I am now."


Running around healing people is a great way to survive a dragon fight. It's impossible to know whether you're doing any good -- except from the number of dead allies -- but the touch-heal spell is amazingly efficient, even better I think than Oblivion, because you can just turn on the juice and run down a line of troops healing them all in one pass.


"Conjured bow that shoots backwards" made me laugh so hard. I need a helmet with rear-view mirror, so I'll know whether to turn around, keep running, sprint, or drink as many rabbit potions as it takes to keep sprinting. "Restore Stamina", that's the Legendary Dragonborn's best friend, isn't it? It's immune to frost!


Hah hah, Orchendor ate your sweetroll. I guess if I have an "arch-nemesis" it's the Bandit Chief in Halted Stream Camp. He's only killed me once, but I've gotten my butt kicked several times, surviving only because I knew to trigger the rockfall in advance to cover my escape. Bandit chiefs are like ED-209 from Robocop: invincible killing machines except on stairs.


When it comes to Legendary Permadeath I can tell you've been there. Hah hah, chased out. Don't feel too bad. You're not alone.

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When it comes to Legendary Permadeath I can tell you've been there. Hah hah, chased out. Don't feel too bad. You're not alone.



Well, got aggravated after around 10 quick deaths with the mages. Had to fall back to an archer type (NEED that ranged Poison Delivery System early on). Some light armor, too. Made it through the beginning quests now, but got ran out of Nuchand Zel (?) in Markarth. May have a chance now if I buff up the magic a little; five Falmer aggro'd me and I barely got out alive. Almost fun now, but still a little too "serious" for my tastes.


The boss in Halted Stream was THE guy who made me serious in the early days. I JUST ganked that bunch with extreme prejudice this evening. As soon as I can take out a mob of Falmer, Orchendor is mine. :devil:

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Hah hah, yeah, we're speaking the same language. "Pure" anything is suicide. Like my "pure mage" doesn't always have a bow and a sword for paralyzing Necromage Self-Healing Uber-Adepts and wear the heaviest friggin' armor he can wriggle his scrawny backside into and still walk. And Restore Stamina potions, for those times when you really need to keep running. I definitely favor adaptation over "class purity". I may only average one arrow a day, but it's a "golden" arrow IYKWIM ...


Halted Streams sometimes that Bandit Chief is 'roided out crazy. I hit him with a Fury once and he slaughtered every other bandit and took the burning floor trap with hardly a scratch. He was pummeling the crap out of Faendal, too, but I was able to keep Camilla's future husband healed. That Chief was a seriously bad dude, a one-hit-kill on me for sure since Faendal couldn't have taken more than 3.


Good luck with Orchendor. May you die with a sword in your hands ... of old age!

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