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Ghost Overhaul


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We need more ghosts in Skyrim. At least a few more. Even if you can't actually converse with them, if there were more ghosts just chilling out, that would be nice.


But what I'd mainly like to see is a ghost visual overhaul. Make ghosts look more like ghosts, and not like Casper, yeah? It'd be great if someone could take this on.


Also, I realize that there is a ghost visual overhaul already, but I'd prefer a 100% loose file mod.

Edited by ZeroSbr1
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For your first question, ignoring your sarcasm, here's what ghosts generally look like in lore:




Sorry for the small image, but you get the idea.


The extra ghosts would just be there for ambience. Maybe the author could do something similar to Interesting NPCs or something.

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ok so essentially then the in-game phantom form of any npc would be ok as its ghost form?

what would these ghosts be able to do? do they fight the player or can be killed by the player? or are they immune like the headless horseman?


I could see creating a spell that could be like a "Ghost Ray", perhaps it is a non-hostile spell which calms down the target and turns them into a ghost for a period of time?


I could do something like that, and that way you could make whoever you wanted to be as a ghost. I just don't have the time to populate a bunch of scattered ghost npc's around all the cells.

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