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No arrow cam on ranged kill cams


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I have a weird bug, the arrow cam on the ranged deathblows doesn't work, each time I manage to score a deathblow with a bow, the camera just spins around my character, never goes to the arrow cam. Anyone one have any ideas on why, and how to fix it? I have the Dance of Death mod installed, but it used to work just fine even with it on, so I am not sure what changed.


Thanks for any help in advance :)

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Try this... if you have MCM version... (3.9)


Disable mod in load order, load your save, make a new save, exit game

Enable mod, start game, open the new save you just made

Set the settings in MCM module again


If you have FNIS, run FNIS for users before all that to try if that works...

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