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How to make an NPC greeting?


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Ok, so I know how to make dialogue, but there's one thing I really can't stand and that's how you always have to be first to speak in a conversation, like you can't have the NPC greet you or anything.


I don't have any voice acting, but I do have the Silent Voice Mod. Is it possible for me to make an NPC greet me? For example, the way a courier greets you when he comes to deliver you something.



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I tried to create a script for you but as i am new to papyrus i found it to difficult. I experimented with actor scripts so that when the player sits down on furniture an NPC will go over and talk to you but i couldn't find the right code fragments needed. If this is something you want to do learn how to script, doing this project will help your skills grow. My code looked something like this:

Scriptname TalkToPlayer Extends Actor

Event OnSit (ObjectReference akFurniture) 

if myActorProperty.GetActorBase().GetSex() == 1
;do something


its incorrect i know but i was experimenting. Try and find things like this to try, but don't get mad at the community because they don't want to do your own work for you..

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I don't think you understand. I don't want to force a greeting, I want the NPC to automatically say something when I talk to him. Let me explain, the way it normally works is you press E to interact with an NPC and a window with the topics you can ask them about appears. What I want is for the NPC for the NPC to say something when I press 'E' to interact with them, like 'Greetings, Dragonborn! How may I help you?', something like that.


In Oblivion, you had the GREETING topic, but in Skyrim, I just have no clue... :/

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Well generally the NPC will say an offhanded comment by default.. I think i understand that you want more immersion to the NPC dialogue. To do that you would have to go through and edit all of the A.I packages and add in the dialogue that you want. No one has done this because that is a very tedious job (or I'm guessing) I'm not even sure if you can go through and edit the opening dialogue either. You welcome to go ahead and try. If anyone else notices errors in what I'm saying then please feel free to correct me.

Edited by Osheanity
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