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i r t3h wurst


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:ph34r: hey i was just wondering wat ur guys levels are, currently Iam at level 115 on xbox. i have yet to know of anyone that high of a level. I probably have almost everything in the game.Makes u angry oh well :angry2: :veryangry: . But most people i have seen are pretty pathetic, and well i think no one can beat my character, he currenlty has a little over a thousand health. I note i have not used any cheats to get to this level. I also have almost every mission. I have completed all the prophecies, they are too easy. So i would just like to know your levels.
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omg omg omg my m4nh00d = teh hug3!!!!!!! teh 1000000 1nch3s!!!!!! lolollollool!!!!! u r teh 1 1nch!!1lololol omg 1 r t3h b1ggar!!!!11111loloolooloolloolll




We have a forum for worthless spam like this. Moving to trash can... I mean Characters Forum.



Edit: just because I can, here's how the battle between your character and mine would go:


iamtehworst: omg omg i r teh g0d!!!!

NPCs: Shut up already!

*iamtehworst goes to sleep*

*iamtehworst awakens as he feels a sudden stab in his spine as he takes a critical hit from the Black Hands Dagger*

iamtehworst: omgomgomg h4x!!!! invi1sibl3 h4x!!!!! d13 h4x1ng n00b!!!!!

*iamtehworst swings (insert daedric weapon here) blindly, but sees nothing and hits only air*

*iamtehworst feels a few more slashes and stabs come out of nowhere*

iamtehworst: omgomgomgomg f1ght meeeeeeee!!!!!!1111!!

*iamtehworst falls over dead*

Peregrine: That was easy.

NPCs: You have destroyed the troll! We worship you Peregrine!

*Peregrine leaves body for the cliff racers to loot*

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You have destroyed the troll! We worship you, Peregrine!


Jokes apart, I feel that the competition for who has got the highest level is pretty

much pointless. I'd much rather lay back and enjoy the game at my LOW level,

worrying more about the plot than about my stats, and not doing silly and BORING

things like casting a fireball 2000 times in a row in order to increase my Destruction

level one point. But I guess that's just my opinion.

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I probably have almost everything in the game.Makes u angry oh well :angry2: :veryangry: . But most people i have seen are pretty pathetic, and well i think no one can beat my character, he currenlty has a little over a thousand health.

RESPEKT!!1!1 :o


Do you have the Champion's Blade?!

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