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Realistic Needs and Diseases


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Hey folks, i'm trying to translate this mod, but i just can't finish translating because of last 5-6 words :confused: Basically you get messege like "I'm currently hungry,thirsty, not tired.. etc" when you press N ingame, it shows up at top left corner of the screen. I searched for that text in mod's scripts, and esp, with different editors and stuff, still i just can't find them, maybe anyone has any ideas where they can be, any help would be much appreciated.


Mod: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/26228/?

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Check needs is a spell, not a message. You have to remember that those hotkeys are for a custom spell (power, really) that brings up the message. The thing you need to translate is the magic effect called "check needs" with the form id xx02E0C9. I found this by going through the spells, finding the one for check needs, and figuring out what it referenced in TES5Edit.

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Check needs is a spell, not a message. You have to remember that those hotkeys are for a custom spell (power, really) that brings up the message. The thing you need to translate is the magic effect called "check needs" with the form id xx02E0C9. I found this by going through the spells, finding the one for check needs, and figuring out what it referenced in TES5Edit.


Wow thanks, i did check "check needs" effect earlier, but for some reason skyrim creation kit returns an error while trying to load strings for that effect, well i will hope that TES5Edit works fine.

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