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Ultimate Conjuration Experience?


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I'm Roleplaying as the Lich King from World of Warcraft and want to really maximize the conjuration tree. I've already got some nice spell packages, though any suggestions for cool conjuration spells (especially ones that summon multiple weak followers) are welcome. What I'm really looking for though is a perk over-haul, which is where a lot of the wimpiness seems to come from at upper levels in vanilla Skyrim. I've checked out several already but want to wait before downloading any and investing perk points and maybe bugging something up. Thanks for any tips!


- Alakazam827

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Im sure there are many interesting mods that add/tweak conjuration spells/perks. However for me the most important when summoning creatures is to be able to command them, especially to be able to send them forward. After all if you invest in conjuration skill it doesnt make you a frontline battle mage. This is why I have created the Minion system. Originaly it was for the werewolf pack I admit, but I soon discovered it can have a very universal nature. So I apologise for shameless selfadvertising but if I were you I would try my mod: Nature of the beast 2. The minion system allows you to give simple commands to minions (like conjured creatures) via lesser powers (via shout control or custom keys) like followm wait, wait there, forward, attack and to divide them into squads. I assure you this drastically change the gameplay. As a bonus you get a very sophisticated raise dead slave spell. Very convinient when playing as a necromancer.

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Hahah hey self advertising is a great way to get a mod out there, even a well known one like that. I'm downloading it as we speak, especially considering I'm going to start using Alternate Actors to form a classic 3-person dungeon squad, one of which will be a two handed, werewolf berserker :biggrin:

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