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Are there any mods that "knock out" followers when they "d


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I don't like how in Skyrim followers are essential so when they "die" they go into a disabled animation then come back in the fight. At the same time followers are stupid sometimes and I don't want to using my AFT settings to make them killable. Are there any mods that when a follower gets to 0hp in combat they're just knocked out for the rest of the fight? Would make it a lot more realistic and less easymodecheese. I can't find a mod like that. Thanks!

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I would also be interested in seeing something like this. I haven't seen anything on this yet either. And maybe an option to heal the companion if you're rolling as a mage. :P That'd be one heck of a mod.

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I agree. Justhaving them fall to the ground, just to wake up after at least an hour, or configurable. Like when the player falls from a moutain, goes ragdoll, then get up. I second the idea

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Actually I just found one. It's surprising how I missed it, but I was reading the version on Steam and it lead me to the modder's page here. It's called Amazing Follower Tweaks and I'm majorly considering if I should take off UFO to use this thing. I don't take many followers with me anyways. :o


Edit: Actually I just re-read the topic and noticed that you have AFT, but there is a setting in there that says this on the Steam upload:


- Option: No Follower Recovery: If they go down in combat, they dont get back up until combat is over.



So it's there, and it doesn't kill them!

Edited by pheo3309
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