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my essential NPCs are mortal


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For some reason, all of my essential NPCs are now mortal. Even the ones from the dragonborn dlc and the dawngaurd dlc. I also have a mod that is supposed to make shop venders and other useful NPCs essential, but it no longer works ether. this really wouldn't be a problem, but I'm replaying through the main story line and am to the part where I have to defeat Alduin at the throat of the world. I always end up actually killing him when I'm not supposed to because he is now mortal. other examples of this bug is all of the jarls will now die, the leader of the dawngaurd, the shaman of the skaal, Delphine, and many others are also mortal


ok, so after long hours of trying to figure out what mod is causing this, I finally uninstalled every mod on my computer and that still didn't fix it. I have even unchecked the dlcs from my data menu. I have also tried verifying my game cache through steam. I cant seem to make anything work. Does anyone have any suggestions? is there a file that controls all of that? most of my mods are largely texture, weapons, armor mods. I have used duel and dragon combat overhaul, but those are the only combat mods I have used. could one of them have deleted a file or something? I don't know much about modding or the inner workings of the game so I have no clue how to fix this problem.


Any help would be greatly appreciated. and thanks in advance.

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I had this problem where Essential npc i set in game can still die. what you should also check is your skyrim.ini file, I down loaded someone elses for a enb setteing and it had this line which set npcs to non essential


i am pretty sure it was this line

bEssentialTakeNoDamage=0 (or might be 1 i cant remember but if u see this line then remove it)


which means even in console you cant set ur NPC to be immortal in game.

Hope this helps

Edited by Angryegg
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after I re-installed Skyrim, it took away my Skyrim.ini and replaced it with Skyrim_default.ini that line isn't in the original .ini and I'm still having the same problem. thanks for the help though, I hadn't thought about that before. was that line under combat in the .ini? or was it somewhere else? by the way I'm also using skse, I don't know if it could have anything to do with it.

Edited by mdm1088
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ok, first, thanks for locating my Skyrim.ini, I thought I had lost it. didn't know it was supposed to be in documents. and I did find that line and I deleted it. and I'm about to see if that worked.

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at first it didn't work, then i went back to the .ini and found out that it was in 4 different places. after i deleted those it worked beautifully. thank you so very much for helping me with this. and by the way the line was bEssentialTakeNoDamage=0 not =1


now all i have to do is enable my mods again, good thing i wrote down the load order.

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