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Dynamic Beard Growing & Hair (Optional) Immersion


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Similar to the pumping iron mod by Gophersvids, i would like a dynamic beard growing (hair is optional but it would be cool) but i can't take credit for this idea because i saw a comment of youtube of Gophers Pumping iron mod.


This is for immersion purposes, sure you can go to the menu and change it but it doesn't feel right. For example you stay in the wilderness, a jail sail or even be living a bandit for a month and you simply do not grow a beard even though a month or two has passed.


The way it would work is, every time you go to bed you will simply telling you, your hair is growing and eventually after weeks it has. (There should a be a mcm menu of how fast you want it to grow but i can't happen over night)


Now once your hair or beard has grown, then you must shave it, either shave it completely or not. There should some salons or alchemist shops that have a dialogue how you want your hair to be like (that is up to you since that would be hard work maby)

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