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Hlaalu quest problem


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On the first quest that the duke gives you, and you go to the sixth house cave on that island near ebonheart to get a robe, I seem to be stuck in the cave.


I'm not sure if this is supposed to happen or not because I've never done this quest before, but for some reason I cant leave the cave, when I go to use the doors they just make that click noise and do nothing.


I'm very confused :blink: :wacko: Any help would really be appreciated

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A bug, for sure. For a temporary solution, teleport yourself out of the cave with

coc, "Ebonheart"

This will send you to the docks of Ebonheart.


Make sure you didn't lock the door with a Lock spell, or that there is nothing standing behind the door, preventing you from opening it.


You'll want to reinstall to rid yourself if this problem.

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The simplest reason could be that you do not have the right key. There are two keys in that cave. One is on one of the cultists just inside the shrine, the other is on a dead ordinator in a small cave leading off the passage quite high up. There is another dead ordinator in the same area. It isn't the easiest key to find. One opens the chest and the other the doors.


However the lock in problem can also be a bug.

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