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Why don't the weather mods behave like GTA5?


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In GTA5 freeze weather does just that, but in RDR2 it doesn't work. The weather simply changes back to random after a few minutes of whatever weather you selected. Every trainer I've tried does this. What is different about the weather mechanics in RDR2 that worked in GTA5?

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Freeze weather? I use a mod called freecam by evilblunt, I use it mostly for camera work but it does have an extensive list of features. One of those it to choose the weather, time of day, force night or day mode and freeze weather among other choices. Buried even deeper is the ability to set weather "looks" from any location in RDR2 in single or online. Once the mod is loaded press the tab button, goto weather > Time Cycle Modifiers and pay around with different weather patterns and looks. Want to freeze weather goto Time > Freeze Clock.


If you set the Always weather to ON and add in a TimeCycle modifier in Modifiers5 like mp_winlose_forest_day, that weather pattern will stay active until you clear it out by pressing the spacebar. Ive been using this feature for months and have barely scratched the surface of what it can do. You can even apply indoor lighting features to weather?! ENJOY!



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