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Can this setup be SLI'd?

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I want to get a second graphics card that's identical to my primary card and SLI them. However, I'm not sure if my motherboard has the right slot configuration for it. Here's a picture of the motherboard.






This is a picture of my primary and secondary cards, the secondary is the smaller one, of course.




(You can also probably see the SLI bit at the top of the card)



I'm not quite sure about identifying PCI vs. PCIe, but the primary card only fits into the topmost slot, and since it takes up two vertical spaces, any SLI'd card would have to go into that much shorter slot. How does that work?

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The thing with sli it has to be the exact make or it won't work at all, mixing brands or makes won't work in a sli config.

Edited by Thor.
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Just search sli or crossfire and your type of cpu and socket range.




i noticed that mobo has a al lot of cable covering the memory expansion slots :blink:

Edited by Thor.
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  • 3 weeks later...

As you have an 1156 motherboard finding something that your processor would work with will be a problem as this is a discontinuned platform. SLI will work with different brands if they are the same series such as two 460 cards, or two 560Ti etc..

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