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Mod that "knocks out" followers


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Anyone else hate how in Skyrim if a follower gets to 0hp they stumble around for a few seconds then rejoin the fight? At the same time if you have a follower mod like AFT you can make them killable but since you have no control over followers they'd be dying all the time. I'd love a mod that just knocks out followers for the duration of the fight and when it's over they get back up again ala dragon age. Would be much more immersive without permanently losing your idiotic followers lol.

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I would really like this mod.


If your follower is defeated, they are 'killed' and go down permanently (dead status) until you defeat the final enemy in the area, at which point they 'wake up'.


On one point, this makes battle less of a waiting game where you just buy time until your follower recovers from kneeling status and really a bit more of a desperate fight.


Plus it takes out the need to reload a save.


Bottom line, your follower will only stay dead if you die too. I think that's a great way to do it, rather than the vanilla way.


Maybe a loophole can be if your follower is decapitated or diisintegrated they're dead for good. :)

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If you're using AFT I know it can do this. There's an option under the Settings I think it's called No Combat Recovery. The follower will be essential but when their health is gone they don't go into bleedout they just fall down like they're dead and won't get up again until combat is over. It's probably my favorite part of AFT.

Edited by magicgraduate
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