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[LE] Scripts for boss fight

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Needing help to make two scripts for a boss fight. The first is a script for when he is at 50% health, minions spawn. The second script is when he dies, a gate opens for progression. can someone point me towards a tutorial that might specify in this type of scripting. Im sure you guys are tired of seeing me at this point.

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The Hitting the Books Quest for the Mages questline has a boss that does this. She summons backup based on the "onhit" event script attached to her. I've tried replicating it for my bosses, but have noticed the system they use is imperfect when set to things like 50% health and it kinda always goes off early. You could try tweaking this script by copying it from her.


Her baseid is 0004D246 in the Creation Kit as actor MG03Caller.

The script is called dunFellglowBossBattle


Edit to add: The gate when the actor dies is maybe easier. You add an event for ondying that enable a door.




Edited by youbetterwork
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Yea, OnDying() to trigger the door.



Add a perk to the boss with a condtion for <50% health that applies an ability.

Ability has a script magic effect with OnEffectStart() in ActiveMagicEffect

MinionSpell.Cast(bossRef) bossRef will be akTarget


Should do the job.

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