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ENB sunrays issues


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I have read on these forums that Geforce drivers 320.18 causes sunray issues, and to use the 314.22 drivers instead.


Install nVidia drivers 314.22 - this will fix it and lets you enable the SunRays.


The 320.xx drivers are not compatible and will not work. If you have a gtx7xx series card and have no choice but those drivers you cannot use ENB SunRays at all.... and besides that AO might have some big issues with transparent worlds using the new drivers.


However for me the 320.18 drivers the sunyrays where barely or not noticeable.





It seems to me the issue is with something other then the nvidia drivers, but does anyone have any idea as to what?

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There's a post on the guru3d forums from a NVidia rep. who says they will fix this issue with ENB and their new drivers in the near future. Dunno the link anymore, but doesn't matter... the problem is on NV's side not ENB. You need the 314.22 drivers for the time being if you want ENB to have their sunrays enabled.


If you have 314.22 installed now (seems to me like you have in you driver screenshot) you might wanna consider clean installing them again - looks like something from a newer version wasn't properly uninstalled...

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